1 changed files with 62 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ |
module Partition2 where |
import Data.Foldable as F |
import Data.List as L |
import Data.Set as S |
import Data.Tuple (swap) |
import Data.Map.Strict as M |
import Data.Vector as V |
type Class = Int |
data Partition a = Partition (Map a Class) (Vector (Set a)) |
deriving Show |
size :: Partition a -> Int |
size (Partition _ v) = V.length v |
elems :: Ord a => Partition a -> Set a |
elems (Partition _ v) = V.foldr S.union S.empty v |
flat :: Vector (Set a) -> [(Int, a)] |
flat v = F.concatMap (\(i, s) -> foldMap (\x -> [(i, x)]) s) $ indexed v |
-- Ord on o is used to determine classes, Ord on a is used to |
-- store the elements |
partitionWith :: (Ord o, Ord a) => (a -> o) -> [a] -> Partition a |
partitionWith f ls = Partition map groups |
where |
map = M.fromList . fmap swap $ flat groups |
groups = V.fromList . fmap S.fromList . groupOn f . sortOn f $ ls |
groupOn :: Eq b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> [[a]] |
groupOn f ls = L.groupBy (\a b -> f a == f b) ls |
instance Ord a => Eq (Partition a) where |
p1@(Partition m1 v1) == p2@(Partition m2 v2) |
| Partition.size p1 /= Partition.size p2 = False |
| Partition.elems p1 /= Partition.elems p2 = False |
| otherwise = wellDefined v1 m2 && wellDefined v2 m1 |
where wellDefined v m = V.all (\x -> S.size x == 1) $ imap (\i s -> S.map (\x -> M.lookup x m) s) v |
fromJustToSet Nothing = S.empty |
fromJustToSet (Just s) = S.singleton s |
dseflatten :: Ord a => Set (Set a) -> Set a |
dseflatten = S.unions . S.toList |
dseconcatMap :: (Ord a, Ord b) => (a -> Set b) -> Set a -> Set b |
dseconcatMap f s = dseflatten (S.map f s) |
--{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns, TupleSections #-} |
--import Data.Foldable |
-- |
--M.lookup |
-- |
--let p = partitionWith (== 1) [1,2,3,4] |
--let p2 = partitionWith (/= 1) [1,2,3,4] |
--let p3 = partitionWith (== 2) [1,2,3,4] |
--print p |
--print p2 |
--p == p2 |
--p == p3 |
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