11 changed files with 274829 additions and 0 deletions
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-- Initial Applicative.cabal generated by cabal init. For further |
-- documentation, see http://haskell.org/cabal/users-guide/ |
name: Applicative |
version: |
-- synopsis: |
-- description: |
-- license: |
license-file: LICENSE |
author: Joshua Moerman |
maintainer: lakseru@gmail.com |
-- copyright: |
-- category: |
build-type: Simple |
-- extra-source-files: |
cabal-version: >=1.10 |
executable Applicative |
main-is: Main.hs |
-- other-modules: |
-- other-extensions: |
build-depends: base >=4.7 && <4.8, parsec, transformers, vector |
-- hs-source-dirs: |
default-language: Haskell2010 |
@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ |
import Control.Applicative hiding (many, (<|>), optional) |
import Data.ByteString (getContents) |
import Data.Char (isAlphaNum, ord) |
import Data.List |
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes) |
import Data.Monoid |
import Prelude hiding (getContents) |
import System.Environment (getArgs) |
import Text.Parsec |
import Text.Parsec.ByteString |
import Text.Parsec.Char |
import Text.Parsec.Combinator |
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString as A |
data Transition s i o = Transition s i s o |
deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord) |
parseInt :: Parser Int |
parseInt = read <$> many1 digit |
decimal :: A.Parser Int |
decimal = foldl' step 0 `fmap` A.takeWhile1 isDecimal |
where |
step a c = a * 10 + fromIntegral (ord c - 48) |
isDecimal c = c >= '0' && c <= '9' |
parseString :: Parser String |
parseString = many1 $ satisfy (liftA2 (||) isAlphaNum isAllowed) |
where isAllowed = flip elem "._" |
parseEndoSimao :: Parser [Transition Int Int Int] |
parseEndoSimao = trans `endBy` newline |
where |
toTransition s i o t = Transition s i t o |
trans = (toTransition <$> parseInt <* string " -- " <*> parseInt <* string " / " <*> parseInt <* string " -> " <*> parseInt) |
aparseEndoSimao :: A.Parser [Transition Int Int Int] |
aparseEndoSimao = trans `A.sepBy` (char '\n') |
where |
toTransition s i o t = Transition s i t o |
trans = (toTransition <$> decimal <* string " -- " <*> decimal <* string " / " <*> decimal <* string " -> " <*> decimal) |
parseYevtushenko :: Parser [Transition Int Int Int] |
parseYevtushenko = header `endBy` newline *> (trans `endBy` newline) |
where |
header = choice |
[ () <$ char 'F' <* space <* parseInt |
, () <$ char 's' <* space <* parseInt |
, () <$ char 'i' <* space <* parseInt |
, () <$ char 'o' <* space <* parseInt |
, () <$ string "n0" <* space <* parseInt |
, () <$ char 'p' <* spaces <* parseInt |
] |
trans = Transition <$> parseInt <* space <*> parseInt <* space <*> parseInt <* space <*> parseInt |
parseDot :: Parser [Transition String String String] |
parseDot = header *> (catMaybes <$> many1 transOrNothing) <* footer |
where |
header = manyTill anyChar (char '{') *> manyTill anyChar newline |
footer = spaces *> char '}' |
transOrNothing = optionMaybe trans <* manyTill anyChar newline |
trans = toTransition <$> trimmedString <* string "->" <*> trimmedString <*> io |
io = between (char '[') (char ']') ((string "label=" *> (between (char '"') (char '"') ((,) <$> trimmedString <* char '/' <*> trimmedString)))) |
toTransition s t (i, o) = Transition s i t o |
trimmedString = spaces *> parseString <* spaces |
main = do |
input <- getContents |
let m = parse parseEndoSimao "" input |
case m of |
Right ts -> print $ length ts |
Left e -> print e |
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ |
import Text.Parsec.String |
import Text.Parsec.Combinator |
import Text.Parsec.Prim |
import Text.Parsec.Token |
import Text.Parsec.Language |
import Control.Applicative |
import Data.Functor.Identity |
import Data.Functor.Compose |
import Data.Functor.Constant |
import Data.Functor.Product |
import Data.Vector |
type WithOutput o = Product Identity (Constant o) |
data FSM t s i = FSM (s -> i -> t s) |
type DeterministicFSM s i o = FSM (WithOutput o) s i |
type PartialFSM s i o = FSM (Compose Maybe (WithOutput o)) s i |
type NondeterministicFSM s i o = FSM (Compose [] (WithOutput o)) s i |
-- createMachine :: Vector (Vector (t Int)) -> FSM t Int Int |
createMachine v = FSM (\s i -> v ! s ! i) |
main = print 10 |
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ |
import Distribution.Simple |
main = defaultMain |
File diff suppressed because it is too large
@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ |
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} |
import Criterion.Main |
import Data.List |
import Data.Functor |
import Data.Hashable |
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS |
import qualified Data.ByteString as BSC |
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap (HashMap, insertWith, size, empty) |
import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as LazyHashMap (HashMap, insertWith, size, empty) |
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as TreeMap (Map, insertWith, size, empty) |
import qualified Data.Map.Lazy as LazyTreeMap (Map, insertWith, size, empty) |
import qualified Data.Trie as TrieMap (Trie, size, empty) |
import qualified Data.Trie.Convenience as TrieMap (insertWith) |
import qualified Data.Discrimination.Grouping as EKmett (nub) |
data MapImpl m k a = MapImpl { |
insertWith :: (Ord k, Hashable k) => (a -> a -> a) -> k -> a -> m -> m, |
size :: m -> Int, |
empty :: m |
} |
update impl str m = (insertWith impl) (flip const) str ((size impl) m) m |
computeMap impl = foldr (update impl) (empty impl) |
test impl list = (size impl) (computeMap impl list) |
main = do |
list <- map BSC.unpack . filter (not . BS.null) . BS.split '\n' <$> BS.getContents |
defaultMain [ bench "hashMap" $ whnf (test hashMap) list |
, bench "lazyHashMap" $ whnf (test lazyHashMap) list |
, bench "treeMap" $ whnf (test treeMap) list |
, bench "lazyTreeMap" $ whnf (test lazyTreeMap) list |
--, bench "trieMap" $ whnf (test trieMap) list |
, bench "ekmett nub" $ whnf (length . EKmett.nub) list |
, bench "group . sort" $ whnf (length . group . sort) list |
, bench "nub" $ whnf (length . nub) list |
] |
--main = do |
-- list <- filter (not . BS.null) . BS.split '\n' <$> BS.getContents |
-- print $ test hashMap list |
-- print $ test lazyHashMap list |
-- print $ test treeMap list |
-- print $ test lazyTreeMap list |
-- print $ test trieMap list |
hashMap = MapImpl { |
insertWith = HashMap.insertWith, |
size = HashMap.size, |
empty = HashMap.empty |
} |
lazyHashMap = MapImpl { |
insertWith = LazyHashMap.insertWith, |
size = LazyHashMap.size, |
empty = LazyHashMap.empty |
} |
treeMap = MapImpl { |
insertWith = TreeMap.insertWith, |
size = TreeMap.size, |
empty = TreeMap.empty |
} |
lazyTreeMap = MapImpl { |
insertWith = LazyTreeMap.insertWith, |
size = LazyTreeMap.size, |
empty = LazyTreeMap.empty |
} |
trieMap = MapImpl { |
insertWith = TrieMap.insertWith, |
size = TrieMap.size, |
empty = TrieMap.empty |
} |
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File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
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foo |
bar |
foo |
bar |
foo |
bar |
foo |
bar |
blalba |
baz |
baz |
baz |
baz |
foo |
bar |
baz |
foo |
iewn |
bar |
baz |
vaeji |
Reference in new issue