Parsing automata in Haskell (small project)
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import Control.Applicative hiding (many, (<|>), optional)
import Data.ByteString (getContents)
import Data.Char (isAlphaNum, ord)
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Data.Monoid
import Prelude hiding (getContents)
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import Text.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.ByteString
import Text.Parsec.Char
import Text.Parsec.Combinator
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString as A
data Transition s i o = Transition s i s o
deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord)
parseInt :: Parser Int
parseInt = read <$> many1 digit
decimal :: A.Parser Int
decimal = foldl' step 0 `fmap` A.takeWhile1 isDecimal
step a c = a * 10 + fromIntegral (ord c - 48)
isDecimal c = c >= '0' && c <= '9'
parseString :: Parser String
parseString = many1 $ satisfy (liftA2 (||) isAlphaNum isAllowed)
where isAllowed = flip elem "._"
parseEndoSimao :: Parser [Transition Int Int Int]
parseEndoSimao = trans `endBy` newline
toTransition s i o t = Transition s i t o
trans = (toTransition <$> parseInt <* string " -- " <*> parseInt <* string " / " <*> parseInt <* string " -> " <*> parseInt)
aparseEndoSimao :: A.Parser [Transition Int Int Int]
aparseEndoSimao = trans `A.sepBy` (char '\n')
toTransition s i o t = Transition s i t o
trans = (toTransition <$> decimal <* string " -- " <*> decimal <* string " / " <*> decimal <* string " -> " <*> decimal)
parseYevtushenko :: Parser [Transition Int Int Int]
parseYevtushenko = header `endBy` newline *> (trans `endBy` newline)
header = choice
[ () <$ char 'F' <* space <* parseInt
, () <$ char 's' <* space <* parseInt
, () <$ char 'i' <* space <* parseInt
, () <$ char 'o' <* space <* parseInt
, () <$ string "n0" <* space <* parseInt
, () <$ char 'p' <* spaces <* parseInt
trans = Transition <$> parseInt <* space <*> parseInt <* space <*> parseInt <* space <*> parseInt
parseDot :: Parser [Transition String String String]
parseDot = header *> (catMaybes <$> many1 transOrNothing) <* footer
header = manyTill anyChar (char '{') *> manyTill anyChar newline
footer = spaces *> char '}'
transOrNothing = optionMaybe trans <* manyTill anyChar newline
trans = toTransition <$> trimmedString <* string "->" <*> trimmedString <*> io
io = between (char '[') (char ']') ((string "label=" *> (between (char '"') (char '"') ((,) <$> trimmedString <* char '/' <*> trimmedString))))
toTransition s t (i, o) = Transition s i t o
trimmedString = spaces *> parseString <* spaces
main = do
input <- getContents
let m = parse parseEndoSimao "" input
case m of
Right ts -> print $ length ts
Left e -> print e