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// render.hpp
// AwesomeAttract0r
// Created by Joshua Moerman on 1/8/12.
// Copyright (c) 2012 Vadovas. All rights reserved.
#ifndef AwesomeAttract0r_render_hpp
#define AwesomeAttract0r_render_hpp
#include <stdexcept>
#include "stf.hpp"
#include "Logger.hpp"
#include "Random.hpp"
#include "Attractor.hpp"
namespace details {
struct empty_canvas : public std::runtime_error {
: std::runtime_error("Canvas is too empty (no chaos)")
{ }
template <typename C>
void render(Attractor & myAttractor, C & canvas, unsigned int iterations){
Progressbar progress(std::cout, LOG_INFO, "rendering");
for(unsigned int j = 1; j <= iterations; ++j) {
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 1000000; ++i) {
canvas.plot(myAttractor.projector->projectedPoint, 0);
auto c = Random::in_circle(0.3);
double blur[2] = {myAttractor.projector->projectedPoint[0] + c.first, myAttractor.projector->projectedPoint[1] + c.second};
canvas.plot(blur, 1);
}, iterations);
if(j == iterations/4) if(!filled(canvas, 0.01)) throw empty_canvas();
if(j == iterations/4 * 2) if(!filled(canvas, 0.02)) throw empty_canvas();
if(j == iterations/4 * 3) if(!filled(canvas, 0.03)) throw empty_canvas();
template <typename C>
void render(C & canvas, std::string const & attractorFile, stfu::node & stf_output, unsigned int iterations) {
Attractor my_attractor(attractorFile);
details::render(my_attractor, canvas, iterations);
if(!filled(canvas, 0.04))
throw details::empty_canvas();
stf_output = stfu::to_stf(my_attractor);