// // Simulation.h // GravityBeats // // Created by Joshua Moerman on 1/5/13. // Copyright (c) 2013 Vadovas. All rights reserved. // #ifndef GravityBeats_Simulation_h #define GravityBeats_Simulation_h #include #include #include "Math.h" #include "UserInformation.h" // TODO: if not needed, remove forcefield namespace simulation { template struct Ball : public UserInformation { math::Vec2 position{0.0, 0.0}; math::Vec2 speed{0.0, 0.0}; template Ball(float x, float y, float dx, float dy, S... args) : UserInformation(args...) , position{x, y} , speed{dx, dy} {} }; enum LineKind { kFallThrough, kOneWay }; template struct Line : public UserInformation { math::Vec2 starting_point; math::Vec2 end_point; math::Vec2 normal; float sqr_length; LineKind line_kind; template Line(math::Vec2 starting_point, math::Vec2 end_point, LineKind line_kind, S... args) : UserInformation(args...) , starting_point(starting_point) , end_point(end_point) , line_kind(line_kind) { update_normal_and_length(); } void update_normal_and_length(){ auto dir = end_point - starting_point; normal = normalize(rotate_ccw(dir)); sqr_length = dir.sqr_length(); } }; template struct CollisionData { Ball ball; Line line; // For this trick I need inheriting ctors... Which we dont have yet... //struct : public UserInformation {} ball_information; //struct : public UserInformation {} line_information; CollisionData(Ball const & b, Line const & l) : ball(b), line(l) {} }; struct Bounds{ float xmin{0}; float xmax{1280}; float ymin{0}; float ymax{800}; }; template struct Simulation { typedef Ball ball_type; typedef Line line_type; typedef CollisionData collision_type; std::vector balls; std::vector lines; std::vector collisions_in_update; Bounds bounds; float collision_timer{0.0}; int total_collisions{0}; int collisions{0}; int collisions_per_second{0}; Simulation(){ balls.reserve(500); lines.reserve(10); collisions_in_update.reserve(1000); } std::vector update(float dt){ collisions_in_update.clear(); // move balls for(auto& b : balls){ b.speed += dt * math::Vec2{0.0f, 50.0f}; float rest_time = collide(b, lines, dt); b.position += rest_time*b.speed; } // count collisions per second (per half second) collision_timer += dt; if(collision_timer > 0.5){ collision_timer -= 0.5; collisions_per_second = collisions * 2; collisions = 0.0; } // remove out-of-scene balls for(auto it = balls.begin(); it != balls.end();){ ball_type & b = *it; if(b.position.y > bounds.ymax || b.position.x < bounds.xmin || b.position.x > bounds.xmax){ it = balls.erase(it); } else { ++it; } } return collisions_in_update; } /* Part about the collisions */ float collision_time(ball_type const & b, line_type const & l){ // -dot(b.pos - l.start) / ... return dot(l.starting_point - b.position, l.normal) / dot(b.speed, l.normal); } std::pair check_collision(ball_type const & b, line_type const & l, float dt){ auto t = collision_time(b, l); // does it collide within the given time? AND does it go the right way? if(0 <= t && t <= dt){ if(l.line_kind == kOneWay && dot(b.speed, l.normal) > 0.0){ return {false, {0,0}}; } // does it collide with the finite line? auto collision = b.position + t*b.speed; auto on_line = dot(collision - l.starting_point, l.end_point - l.starting_point); if(0 <= on_line && on_line <= l.sqr_length){ return {true, collision}; } else { return {false, {0,0}}; } } else { return {false, {0,0}}; } } float collide(ball_type& b, std::vector const & lines, float dt, line_type const * ignore = nullptr){ line_type const * closest_line = nullptr; math::Vec2 collision{0.0, 0.0}; float closeness = 100.0f; for(auto& l : lines){ if(&l == ignore) continue; auto ret = check_collision(b, l, dt); if(ret.first){ auto t = collision_time(b, l); if(0 <= t && t < closeness){ closest_line = &l; closeness = t; collision = ret.second; } } } if(closest_line == nullptr){ return dt; } else { ++total_collisions; ++collisions; b.position = collision; auto const & l = *closest_line; collisions_in_update.emplace_back(b, l); if(l.line_kind != kFallThrough){ auto b1 = -dot(b.speed, l.normal) * l.normal; b.speed = 2.0*b1 + b.speed; } return collide(b, lines, dt - closeness, closest_line); } } }; } #endif