@ -102,8 +102,9 @@ With the notion of isomorphisms between functors we can weaken this, and only re
An \emph{adjunction} between two categories $\cat{C}$ and $\cat{D}$ consists of two functors $F:\cat{C}\to\cat{D}$ and $G: \cat{D}\to\cat{C}$ such that there are natural transformations:
$$ FG \to\id_\cat{D}\text{ and }\id_\cat{C}\to GF. $$
An \emph{adjunction} between two categories $\cat{C}$ and $\cat{D}$ consists of two functors $F:\cat{C}\to\cat{D}$, $G: \cat{D}\to\cat{C}$ and two natural transformations:
$$ FG \to\id_\cat{D}\text{ and }\id_\cat{C}\to GF, $$
such that \todo{CT: adjunction}.
$F$ is called the left-adjoint and $G$ the right-adjoint.