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Thesis: Some minor things + standard n simplex

Joshua Moerman 11 years ago
  1. 8


@ -21,8 +21,9 @@ for each $n \in \N$. The nice things about these maps is that every map in $\DEL
An simplicial abelian group $A$ is a contravariant functor:
An simplicial abelian group $A$ is a covariant functor:
$$A: \DELTA^{op} \to \Ab.$$
(Or equivalently a contravariant functor $A: \DELTA \to \Ab.$)
So the category of all simplicial abelian groups, $\sAb$, is the functor category $\Ab^{\DELTA^{op}}$, where morphisms are natural transformations. Because the face and degeneracy maps give all the maps in $\DELTA$ it is sufficient to define images of $\delta_i$ and $\sigma_i$ in order to define a functor $A: \DELTA^{op} \to Ab$. And hence we can picture a simplicial abelian group as done in figure~\ref{fig:simplicial_abelian_group}. Comparing this to figure~\ref{fig:delta_cat} we see that the arrows are reversed, because $A$ is a contravariant functor.
@ -75,9 +76,12 @@ When using a simplicial abelian group to construct another object, it is often h
Of course the abstract definition of simplicial abelian group can easilty be generalized to other categories. For example $\Set^{\DELTA^{op}} = \sSet$ is the category of simplicial sets. There are very important simplicial sets:
The standard $n$-simplex is given by:
$$\Delta[n] = \Hom{\DELTA}{-}{[n]} : \DELTA^{op} \to \Set.$$
Note that indeed $\Hom{\DELTA}{X}{[n]} \in \Set$, because the collection of morphisms in a category is per definition a set. We do not need to specify the face or degeneracy maps, as we already know that $\mathbf{Hom}$ is a functor (in both arguments).
\todo{sAb: as example do $\Delta[n]$}
\todo{sAb: as example do the free abelian group pointwise}