#!/bin/bash mkdir -p build cd build case "$1" in Presentation) pdflatex "../presentation/presentation.tex" || exit 1 pdflatex "../presentation/presentation.tex" || exit 1 mv presentation.pdf ../ ;; Symbols) pdflatex "../thesis/symbols.tex" || exit 1 pdflatex "../thesis/symbols.tex" || exit 1 scp symbols.pdf moerman@stitch.science.ru.nl:~/symbols.pdf ssh moerman@stitch.science.ru.nl 'pdf2svg symbols.pdf symbols.svg' scp moerman@stitch.science.ru.nl:~/symbols.svg ../ ;; Thesis) pdflatex "../thesis/DoldKan.tex" || exit 1 pdflatex "../thesis/DoldKan.tex" || exit 1 mv DoldKan.pdf ../ ;; *) echo "Please provide on of the following arguments: Presentation, Thesis" esac cd ..