5 changed files with 310 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ |
module Grid exposing (..) |
import RingList exposing (..) |
type alias Grid a = RingList (RingList a) |
{- Basic conversion -} |
generate : Int -> Int -> (Int -> Int -> a) -> Grid a |
generate width height gen = let |
row = RingList.fromList 1 [2..width] |
cols = RingList.fromList 1 [2..height] |
grid = RingList.map (\y -> RingList.map (\x -> (x, y)) row) cols |
in map (uncurry gen) grid |
toList : Grid a -> List (List a) |
toList grid = RingList.toList <| RingList.map RingList.toList <| grid |
{- Functor like functions -} |
map : (a -> b) -> Grid a -> Grid b |
map f grid = RingList.map (RingList.map f) grid |
edit : (a -> a) -> Grid a -> Grid a |
edit f grid = RingList.edit (RingList.edit f) grid |
{- Comonad functions -} |
extract : Grid a -> a |
extract grid = grid.focus.focus |
-- It was quite difficult to define duplicate. A simple RL.map RL.dup >> RL.dup |
-- is not the right definition (this would be too simple). With the transpose |
-- trick it is quite ok to reason about (draw the diagrams yourself!) |
duplicate : Grid a -> Grid (Grid a) |
duplicate grid = grid |> RingList.map RingList.duplicate |> transpose |> RingList.map RingList.duplicate |> transpose |
extend : (Grid a -> b) -> Grid a -> Grid b |
extend f w = map f (duplicate w) |
(=>>) : Grid a -> (Grid a -> b) -> Grid b |
(=>>) = flip extend |
{- Domain functions -} |
shiftLeft : Grid a -> Grid a |
shiftLeft grid = RingList.map RingList.shiftLeft grid |
shiftRight : Grid a -> Grid a |
shiftRight grid = RingList.map RingList.shiftRight grid |
shiftUp : Grid a -> Grid a |
shiftUp grid = RingList.shiftLeft grid |
shiftDown : Grid a -> Grid a |
shiftDown grid = RingList.shiftRight grid |
transpose : Grid a -> Grid a |
transpose grid = let |
newBefore grid = List.map RingList.extract grid.before |
newAfter grid = List.map RingList.extract grid.after |
newFocus rl = RingList (newBefore rl) (extract rl) (newAfter rl) |
nb = List.map newFocus <| RingList.iterate1N (List.length grid.focus.before) shiftRight grid |
nf = newFocus grid |
na = List.map newFocus <| RingList.iterate1N (List.length grid.focus.after) shiftLeft grid |
in RingList nb nf na |
@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ |
import Grid exposing (..) |
import RingList exposing (..) |
import Html exposing (..) |
import Html.Attributes exposing (..) |
import Html.App as App |
import Html.Events exposing (..) |
import Random |
import Color exposing (..) |
import Time exposing (Time, second) |
main = |
App.program |
{ init = init |
, view = view |
, update = update |
, subscriptions = subscriptions |
} |
width = 21 |
height = 16 |
-- MODEL |
type alias World = Grid (Int, Float) |
type alias Model = |
{ grid : World |
, history : List (Int, Float) |
} |
init : (Model, Cmd Msg) |
init = (Model (Grid.generate width height (\x y -> (x, toFloat y))) [], Cmd.none) |
type Msg |
= Update World |
succ (n, m) = (n + 1, m * 2) |
update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg) |
update msg model = |
case msg of |
Update grid -> (Model grid (Grid.extract grid :: model.history), Cmd.none) |
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg |
subscriptions model = Sub.none |
-- VIEW |
butt : World -> Html Msg |
--butt rl = button [ onClick (Update (RingList.edit succ rl)) ] [ RingList.extract rl |> toString |> text ] |
butt grid = button [ onClick (Update (Grid.edit succ grid)) ] [ Grid.extract grid |> toString |> text ] |
view : Model -> Html Msg |
view model = let |
dupmodel = Grid.duplicate model.grid |
butts = Grid.map butt dupmodel |
listm = Grid.toList butts |
viewm = List.map (\row -> div [] (br [] [] :: row)) listm |
in div [] <| viewm ++ [div [] [model.history |> toString |> text]] |
@ -0,0 +1,108 @@ |
import Html exposing (..) |
import Html.Attributes exposing (..) |
import Html.App as App |
import Html.Events exposing (..) |
import Random |
import Color exposing (..) |
import Time exposing (Time, second) |
main = |
App.program |
{ init = (init size) |
, view = view |
, update = update |
, subscriptions = subscriptions |
} |
size = 36 |
-- MODEL |
type alias State = Maybe Int |
type alias Automaton = List (Int, Int) |
type alias Model = |
{ states : List State |
, system : Automaton |
} |
init : Int -> (Model, Cmd Msg) |
init n = (Model (List.map Just [1 .. size]) [], Random.generate Update (genAut n)) |
type Msg |
= Step |
| Regen |
| Update Automaton |
| Sort |
zip = List.map2 (,) |
genAut : Int -> Random.Generator Automaton |
genAut n = Random.map (zip [1 .. n]) (Random.list n <| Random.int 1 n) |
step : Automaton -> State -> State |
step ls s0 = case s0 of |
Nothing -> Nothing |
Just s -> List.filter (\(a,b) -> a == s) ls |> List.head |> Maybe.map snd |
cmp l r = case (l, r) of |
(Nothing, Nothing) -> EQ |
(Nothing, Just n) -> LT |
(Just n, Nothing) -> GT |
(Just n, Just m) -> compare n m |
update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg) |
update msg model = |
case msg of |
Step -> (Model (List.map (step model.system) model.states) model.system, Cmd.none) |
Regen -> |
init size |
Update newAut -> |
(Model model.states newAut, Cmd.none) |
Sort -> |
(Model (List.sortWith cmp model.states) model.system, Cmd.none) |
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg |
subscriptions model = |
Time.every (0.1 * second) (\a -> Step) |
-- VIEW |
(=>) = (,) |
state2Color : State -> Color |
state2Color s = case s of |
Nothing -> Color.black |
Just n -> hsl (degrees (toFloat n)*77) 1.0 (0.8 - 0.6 * (toFloat n)/size) |
color2String : Color -> String |
color2String c = let rgb = toRgb c in "rgb(" ++ toString rgb.red ++ ", " ++ toString rgb.green ++ ", " ++ toString rgb.blue ++ ")" |
block : Color -> Html msg |
block c = div [style ["background-color" => color2String c, "width" => "100px", "height" => "100px", "display" => "inline-block"]] [] |
view : Model -> Html Msg |
view model = |
div [] |
( button [ onClick Regen ] [ text "Regenerate" ] |
:: button [ onClick Sort ] [ text "Sort" ] |
:: br [] [] |
:: List.map (block << state2Color) model.states |
) |
@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ |
module RingList exposing (..) |
type alias RingList a = |
{ before : List a |
, focus : a |
, after : List a |
} |
{- Basic conversion -} |
fromList : a -> List a -> RingList a |
fromList a l = RingList [] a l |
toList : RingList a -> List a |
toList rl = List.reverse rl.before ++ [rl.focus] ++ rl.after |
{- Functor like things -} |
map : (a -> b) -> RingList a -> RingList b |
map f rl = RingList (List.map f rl.before) (f rl.focus) (List.map f rl.after) |
edit : (a -> a) -> RingList a -> RingList a |
edit f rl = RingList rl.before (rl.focus |> f) rl.after |
{- Comonad functions -} |
extract : RingList a -> a |
extract rl = rl.focus |
duplicate : RingList a -> RingList (RingList a) |
duplicate rl = let |
lefts = iterate1N (List.length rl.before) shiftRight rl |
rights = iterate1N (List.length rl.after) shiftLeft rl |
in RingList lefts rl rights |
extend : (RingList a -> b) -> RingList a -> RingList b |
extend f w = map f (duplicate w) |
(=>>) : RingList a -> (RingList a -> b) -> RingList b |
(=>>) = flip extend |
{- Domain functions -} |
shiftLeft : RingList a -> RingList a |
shiftLeft rl = case rl.after of |
[] -> case List.reverse rl.before of |
[] -> RingList [] rl.focus [] |
x::xs -> RingList [rl.focus] x xs |
x::xs -> RingList (rl.focus :: rl.before) x xs |
shiftRight : RingList a -> RingList a |
shiftRight rl = case rl.before of |
[] -> case List.reverse rl.after of |
[] -> RingList [] rl.focus [] |
x::xs -> RingList xs x [rl.focus] |
x::xs -> RingList xs x (rl.focus :: rl.after) |
{- From here we have private functions -} |
iterate1N : Int -> (a -> a) -> a -> List a |
iterate1N n f a = case n of |
0 -> [] |
m -> f a :: List.map f (iterate1N (m - 1) f a) |
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ |
{ |
"version": "1.0.0", |
"summary": "helpful summary of your project, less than 80 characters", |
"repository": "https://github.com/user/project.git", |
"license": "BSD3", |
"source-directories": [ |
"." |
], |
"exposed-modules": [], |
"dependencies": { |
"elm-lang/core": "4.0.5 <= v < 5.0.0", |
"elm-lang/html": "1.1.0 <= v < 2.0.0" |
}, |
"elm-version": "0.17.1 <= v < 0.18.0" |
} |
Reference in new issue