@ -125,8 +125,9 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv){ |
("p", po::value<unsigned int>(), "number of processors") |
("n", po::value<unsigned int>(), "number of elements") |
("iterations", po::value<unsigned int>()->default_value(5), "number of iterations") |
("help", po::value<bool>(), "show this help") |
("check", po::value<bool>(), "enables correctness checks"); |
("help", po::bool_switch(), "show this help") |
("show-input", po::bool_switch(), "shows the given input") |
("check", po::bool_switch(), "enables correctness checks"); |
po::variables_map vm; |
// Parse and set options
@ -134,7 +135,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv){ |
po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, opts), vm); |
po::notify(vm); |
if(vm.count("help")){ |
if(vm["help"].as<bool>()){ |
std::cout << "Parallel wavelet mockup" << std::endl; |
std::cout << opts << std::endl; |
return 0; |
@ -152,6 +153,10 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv){ |
return 1; |
} |
if(vm["show-input"].as<bool>()){ |
std::cout << "n\t" << N << "\np\t" << P << std::endl; |
} |
// Initialise stuff
par_result.assign(N, 0.0); |
seq_result.assign(N, 0.0); |
@ -162,7 +167,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv){ |
par_wavelet(); |
// Checking equality of algorithms
if(vm.count("check")){ |
if(vm["check"].as<bool>()){ |
double threshold = 1.0e-8; |
std::cout << "Checking results "; |
compare_results(seq_result, par_result, threshold); |