#include #include #include #include #include "wavelet.hpp" #include "wavelet_parallel.hpp" // Number of iterations to improve time measurements static unsigned int ITERS = 1; // Static :(, will be set in main static unsigned int P; static unsigned int N; // Static vectors for correctness checking static std::vector par_result; static std::vector seq_result; // fake data static double data(unsigned int global_index){ return global_index - N/2.0 + 0.5 + std::sin(0.1337*global_index); } // NOTE: does not synchronize static void read_and_distribute_data(wvlt::par::distribution const & d, double* x){ std::vector r(d.b); for(unsigned int t = 0; t < d.p; ++t){ r.assign(d.b, 0.0); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < d.b; ++i){ r[i] = data(i + t*d.b); } bsp::put(t, r.data(), x, 0, r.size()); } } static void par_wavelet(){ bsp::begin(P); wvlt::par::distribution d(N, bsp::nprocs(), bsp::pid()); unsigned int m = 2; unsigned int Cm = wvlt::par::communication_size(m); // We allocate and push everything up front, since we need it anyways // (so peak memory is the same). This saves us 1 bsp::sync() // For convenience and consistency we use std::vector std::vector x(d.b, 0.0); std::vector next(Cm, 0.0); std::vector proczero(d.s == 0 ? 2*d.p : 1, 0.0); bsp::push_reg(x.data(), x.size()); bsp::push_reg(next.data(), next.size()); bsp::push_reg(proczero.data(), proczero.size()); bsp::sync(); // processor zero reads data from file // gives each proc its own piece if(d.s == 0) read_and_distribute_data(d, x.data()); bsp::sync(); // do the parallel wavelet!!! double time1 = bsp::time(); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < ITERS; ++i){ wvlt::par::wavelet(d, x.data(), next.data(), proczero.data(), m); bsp::sync(); } double time2 = bsp::time(); if(d.s==0) printf("parallel version\t%f\n", time2 - time1); // Clean up and send all data to proc zero for correctness checking // So this is not part of the parallel program anymore bsp::pop_reg(proczero.data()); bsp::pop_reg(next.data()); next.clear(); proczero.clear(); bsp::push_reg(par_result.data(), par_result.size()); bsp::sync(); bsp::put(0, x.data(), par_result.data(), d.s * d.b, d.b); bsp::sync(); bsp::pop_reg(par_result.data()); bsp::pop_reg(x.data()); bsp::end(); } static void seq_wavelet(){ std::vector v(N); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < N; ++i) v[i] = data(i); { auto time1 = timer::clock::now(); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < ITERS; ++i){ wvlt::wavelet(v.data(), v.size(), 1); } auto time2 = timer::clock::now(); printf("sequential version\t%f\n", timer::from_dur(time2 - time1)); } std::copy(v.begin(), v.end(), seq_result.begin()); } // square difference, used to calculate root mean squared error static double sq_diff(double x, double y){ return (x-y)*(x-y); } static void compare_results(std::vector const & lh, std::vector const & rh, double threshold){ if(lh == rh){ std::cout << colors::green("SUCCES:") << " bitwise qual" << std::endl; return; } double rmse = std::sqrt(std::inner_product(lh.begin(), lh.end(), rh.begin(), 0.0, std::plus(), &sq_diff) / lh.size()); if(rmse <= threshold){ std::cout << colors::green("SUCCES:") << " error within threshold, rmse = " << rmse << std::endl; } else { std::cout << colors::red("FAIL:") << " error to big, rmse = " << rmse << std::endl; } } int main(int argc, char** argv){ namespace po = boost::program_options; // Describe program options po::options_description opts; opts.add_options() ("p", po::value(), "number of processors") ("n", po::value(), "number of elements") ("iterations", po::value()->default_value(5), "number of iterations") ("help", po::value(), "show this help") ("check", po::value(), "enables correctness checks"); po::variables_map vm; // Parse and set options try { po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, opts), vm); po::notify(vm); if(vm.count("help")){ std::cout << "Parallel wavelet mockup" << std::endl; std::cout << opts << std::endl; return 0; } N = vm["n"].as(); P = vm["p"].as(); ITERS = vm["iterations"].as(); if(!is_pow_of_two(N)) throw po::error("n is not a power of two"); if(!is_pow_of_two(P)) throw po::error("p is not a power of two"); } catch(std::exception& e){ std::cout << colors::red("ERROR: ") << e.what() << std::endl; std::cout << opts << std::endl; return 1; } // Initialise stuff par_result.assign(N, 0.0); seq_result.assign(N, 0.0); bsp::init(par_wavelet, argc, argv); // Run both versions (will print timings) seq_wavelet(); par_wavelet(); // Checking equality of algorithms if(vm.count("check")){ double threshold = 1.0e-8; std::cout << "Checking results "; compare_results(seq_result, par_result, threshold); for(int i = 0; i < ITERS; ++i) wvlt::unwavelet(seq_result.data(), seq_result.size(), 1); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < par_result.size(); ++i) par_result[i] = data(i); std::cout << "Checking inverse "; compare_results(seq_result, par_result, threshold); } }