jcmp: My image compression format (w/ wavelets)
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#pragma once
#include <boost/iterator/iterator_adaptor.hpp>
template <typename Iterator>
class striding_iterator : public boost::iterator_adaptor<striding_iterator<Iterator>, Iterator> {
typedef boost::iterator_adaptor<striding_iterator<Iterator>, Iterator> super_t;
friend class boost::iterator_core_access;
: super_t()
, stride(1)
striding_iterator(Iterator it, int stride)
: super_t(it)
, stride(stride)
template<class OtherIterator>
striding_iterator(striding_iterator<OtherIterator> const& r, typename boost::enable_if_convertible<OtherIterator, Iterator>::type* = 0)
: super_t(r.base())
int stride;
void advance(typename super_t::difference_type n){
this->base_reference() += stride * n;
template <class OtherIterator>
typename super_t::difference_type distance_to(striding_iterator<OtherIterator> const & that) const {
int s = that.base() - this->base();
if(s >= 0) return (s + stride - 1) / stride;
return (s - stride + 1) / stride;
void increment() { advance(1); }
void decrement() { advance(-1); }
template <typename Iterator>
striding_iterator<Iterator> strided(Iterator it, int stride = 1){
return striding_iterator<Iterator>(it, stride);