Lua scripts for the computercraft mod for minecraft
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-- Active slaves which will activate an engine next to it (to get content of a chest)
-- Slaves should be aligned with the master
-- It leaks at the moment (because engines have a cool down and pipes are slow)
-- Possible other (simpler) slave: use the turtle as a chest and put it next to a diamond pipe
-- (this requires more diamond, but less redstone engines/chests and probably wont leak)
local args = { ... }
local threshold = 5
local function count_total()
local c = 0
for i = 1, 9 do c = c + turtle.getItemCount(i) end
return c
local function count_space()
local c = 0
for i = 1, 9 do c = c + turtle.getItemSpace(i) end
return c
while true do
-- we are using wireless to get the distance
-- so the master should be aligned with the slaves
local id, mess, dist = rednet.receive(1)
if mess == args[1] then
if count_total() < threshold then
rednet.send(id, "empty")
rednet.send(id, "ack")
-- Wait for the pipes to be empty (and not leak)
-- TODO: find out magic value to wait...
rs.setOutput("left", false)
-- GO!!!
for i = 1, dist do turtle.forward() end
print("I will leave again in 5 seconds...")
for i = 1, dist do turtle.back() end
rednet.send(id, "return")
print("Back home :)")
-- This will power the engine next to the turtle
-- We don't want to fill if we're full
-- NOTE: we can't use the side of the modem...
if count_space() > threshold then
rs.setOutput("left", true)
rs.setOutput("left", false)