1 changed files with 107 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ |
-- local turtle = {} |
-- local function placeholder() return true end |
-- turtle.up = placeholder |
-- turtle.down = placeholder |
-- turtle.digUp = placeholder |
-- turtle.digDown = placeholder |
-- turtle.dig = placeholder |
-- turtle.forward = placeholder |
-- turtle.turnLeft = placeholder |
-- turtle.turnRight = placeholder |
local tArgs = { ... } |
local height = tonumber(tArgs[1]) |
local width = tonumber(tArgs[2]) |
local length = tonumber(tArgs[3]) |
print("Will create chamber of "..height.."x"..width.."x"..length) |
local verbose = true |
-- x, y |
local difference = {0, 0} |
local function up() |
local success = turtle.up() |
if success then |
difference[2] = difference[2] + 1; |
end |
return success |
end |
local function down() |
local success = turtle.down() |
if success then |
difference[2] = difference[2] - 1; |
end |
return success |
end |
local function fup() |
while not up() do turtle.digUp() end |
end |
local function fdown() |
while not down() do turtle.digDown() end |
end |
local function fdig() |
while turtle.detect() do turtle.dig() end |
end |
local function fforward() |
while not turtle.forward() do turtle.dig() end |
end |
-- direction = 0 -> up |
-- direction = 1 -> down |
local function dig(height, direction) |
local df = nil |
if direction == 0 then df = fup else df = fdown end |
for h = 2,height do |
df() |
end |
end |
-- Digs a hall |
-- height height of the hall |
-- length length of the hall |
-- starting_direction 0 start going up, 1 start going down |
local function hall(height, length, starting_direction) |
local direction = starting_direction |
for l = 1,length do |
dig(height, direction) |
if direction == 0 then direction = 1 else direction = 0 end |
if l < length then fforward() end |
end |
return direction |
end |
local function repeate(number, f) |
for i = 2,number do f() end |
end |
-- Creates a chamber where he stands, starts at the bottom, rotates to the right |
-- height height of the chamber |
-- width width of the chamber |
-- length length of the chamber |
local function chamber(height, width, length) |
local location = 0 -- 0 == "should go up" |
local rotation = 0 -- 0 == "should turn left" |
for w = 1,width do |
location = hall(height, length, location) |
local rf = nil |
if rotation == 0 then rf = turtle.turnLeft; rotation = 1 else rf = turtle.turnRight; rotation = 0 end |
rf() |
if w < width then fforward() end |
rf() |
end |
if location == 1 then repeate(height, down) end |
end |
chamber(height, width, length) |
print("Ended at difference of " .. tostring(difference)) |
Reference in new issue