local args = { ... } package.path = package.path .. ";" .. "lib/?" -- local turtle = require "turtlePlaceholder" local utils = require "utils" local turnedLeft = nil if args[1] == "rightturn" or args[1] == "leftturn" then turnedLeft = (args[1] == "rightturn") else print("usage: \"makefloor [leftturn|rightturn]\" whatever the first turn may be") return end local pre = "A room with walls atleast 2 high and robot should start in a corner" local post = "a room with a floor of $material" if not utils.confirmExecution(pre, post) then return end local curContainer = 1 turtle.select(curContainer) local function selectMatStack() itemCount = turtle.getItemCount(curContainer) while itemCount == 0 do if curContainer == 9 then return false end curContainer = curContainer + 1 turtle.select(curContainer) itemCount = turtle.getItemCount(curContainer) end return true end local function checkIfNextTurn() if turnedLeft then turnAction = turtle.turnRight else turnAction = turtle.turnLeft end turnAction() retval = not turtle.detect() if not turnedLeft then turnAction = turtle.turnRight else turnAction = turtle.turnLeft end turnAction() return retval end local function fillblock() shouldTurn = turtle.detect() if shouldTurn then couldTurn = checkIfNextTurn() end if not selectMatStack() then return false end turtle.placeDown() if shouldTurn then if turnedLeft then turnAction = turtle.turnRight else turnAction = turtle.turnLeft end turnAction() turtle.forward() turnAction() turnedLeft = not turnedLeft else turtle.forward() end return true end while not detectDown() do turtle.down() end turtle.up() while fillblock() do end