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// progressbar.hpp
// Created by Joshua Moerman on 11/5/11.
// Copyright 2011 Vadovas. All rights reserved.
A simple progressbar for the terminal (relies on \r).
Wrap your for loop in an extra scope with a progressbar, like this:
{ // extra scope
Progressbar p(std::cout);
for(i = 0; i < 1000; ++i){
..., 999);
} // end extra scope (destructor of Progressbar will be used).
You can give extra information to show in the constructor:
Progressbar p(stream, "prefix", "Start message", " End message");
this will look like:
Start message
prefix [===============> ]
End message
You may leave these things empty ("").
NOTE: the width of the bar (incl. prefix) is fixed ATM.
NOTE: pass the maximum-value to the function show, not the bound of the for-loop (this way the function also works nicely for floating types)
#include <iostream>
struct progressbar {
progressbar(std::ostream & out, std::string prefix = "", std::string begin = "", std::string end = "")
: out(out)
, begin(begin)
, prefix(prefix)
, end(end)
if (begin != "") {
out << begin << "\n";
show(0, 1, ' ');
show(1, 1, '=');
if (end != "") {
out << "\n" << end << "\n";
} else {
out << "\n";
template <typename T>
void show(T const & progress, T const & max, char delim = '>'){
out << "\r";
size_t width = 80; // default terminal size :D
width -= prefix.size();
width -= 3; // [, > and ]
if (prefix != "") {
width -= 1;
out << prefix << ' ';
double ratio = (double) progress / (double) max;
size_t length = width * ratio;
std::string fill(length, '=');
std::string empty(width - length, ' ');
out << '[' << fill << delim << empty << ']';
std::ostream & out;
std::string begin;
std::string prefix;
std::string end;