We will first define some basic cochain complexes which model the $n$-disk and $n$-sphere. $D(n)$ is the cochain complex generated by one element $b \in D(n)^n$ and its differential $c = d(b)\in D(n)^{n+1}$. \todo{Herschrijf}$S(n)$ is the cochain complex generated by one element $a \in S(n)^n$ with trivial differential (i.e. $d a =0$). In other words:
Note that $D(n)$ is acyclic for all $n$, or put in different words: $j_n : 0\to D(n)$ induces an isomorphism in cohomology. The sphere $S(n)$ has exactly one non-trivial cohomology group $H^n(S(n))=\k\cdot[a]$. There is an injective function $i_n : S(n+1)\to D(n)$, sending $a$ to $c$. The maps $j_n$ and $i_n$ play the following important role in the model structure of cochain complexes:
The set $I =\{i_n : S(n+1)\to D(n)\I n \in\N\}$ generates all cofibrations and the set $J =\{j_n : 0\to D(n)\I n \in\N\}$ generates all trivial cofibrations.
$S(n)$ plays a another special role: maps from $S(n)$ to some cochain complex $X$ correspond directly to elements in the kernel of $\restr{d}{X^n}$. Any such map is null-homotopic precisely when the corresponding elements in the kernel is a coboundary. So there is a natural isomorphism: $\Hom(S(n), X)/{\simeq}\iso H^n(X)$.
By using the free cdga functor we can turn these cochain complexes into cdga's $\Lambda(D(n))$ and $\Lambda(S(n))$. So $\Lambda(D(n))$ consists of linear combinations of $b^n$\todo{gebruik niet weer $n$} and $c b^n$ when $n$ is even, and it consists of linear combinations of $c^n b$ and $c^n$ when $n$ is odd. In both cases we can compute the differentials using the Leibniz rule:
There are no additional cocycles in $\Lambda(D(n))$ besides the constants and $c$. So we conclude that $\Lambda(D(n))$ is acyclic as an algebra. In other words $\Lambda(j_n): \k\to\Lambda D(n)$ is a quasi isomorphism.
The situation for $\Lambda S(n)$ is easier: when $n$ is even it is given by polynomials in $a$, if $n$ is odd it is an exterior algebra \todo{?} (i.e. $a^2=0$). Again the sets $\Lambda(I)=\{\Lambda(i_n) : \Lambda S(n+1)\to\Lambda D(n)\I n \in\N\}$ and $\Lambda(J)=\{\Lambda(j_n) : \k\to\Lambda D(n)\I n \in\N\}$ play an important role.
The above Quillen pair $(\Lambda, U)$ fails to be a Quillen pair if $\Char{\k}= p \neq0$. We will show this by proving that the maps $\Lambda(j_n)$ are not weak equivalences for even $n$. Consider $b^p \in D(n)$, then by the Leibniz rule:
So $b^p$ is a cocycle. Now assume $b^p = d x$ for some $x$ of degree $p n -1$, then $x$ contains a factor $c$ for degree reasons. By the calculations above we see that any element containing $c$ has a trivial differential or has a factor $c$ in its differential, contradicting $b^p = d x$. So this cocycle is not a coboundary and $\Lambda D(n)$ is not acyclic.