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\section{Definitions} |
\label{sec:definitions} |
\subsection{Graded algebra} |
In this section $\k$ will be any commutative ring. We will recap some of the basic definitions of commutative algebra in a graded setting. By \emph{linear}, \emph{module}, \emph{tensor product}, \dots we always mean $\k$-linear, $\k$-module, tensor product over $\k$, \dots. |
\begin{definition} |
A \emph{graded module} $M$ is a family of modules $\{M_n\}_{n\in\Z}$. An element $x \in M_n$ is called a \emph{homogenous element} and said to be of \emph{degree $\deg{x} = n$}. We will often identify $M = \bigoplus_{n \in \Z} M_n$. |
\end{definition} |
For an arbitrary module $M$ we can consider the graded module $M[0]$ \emph{concentrated in degree $0$} defined by setting $M[0]_0 = M$ and $M[0]_n = 0$ for $i \neq 0$. If clear from the context we will denote this graded module by $M$. In particular $\k$ is a graded module concentrated in degree $0$. |
\begin{definition} |
A linear map $f: M \to N$ between graded modules is \emph{graded of degree $p$} if it respects the grading, i.e. $\restr{f}{M_n} : M_n \to N_{n+p}$. |
\end{definition} |
\begin{definition} |
The graded maps $f: M \to N$ between graded modules can be arranged in a graded module by defining: |
$$ \Hom{gr}{M}{N}_n = \{ f: M \to N \I f \text{ is graded of degree } n \}. $$ |
\end{definition} |
Note that not all linear maps can be decomposed into a sum of graded maps. In other words $\Hom{gr}{M}{N} \subset \Hom{}{M}{N}$ might not be equal. |
Recall that the tensor product of modules distributes over direct sums. So if $M = \bigoplus_{n \in \Z} M_n$ and $N = \bigoplus_{n \in \Z} N_n$, then |
$$ M \tensor N \iso \bigoplus_{n \in Z} \bigoplus_{m \in Z} M_m \tensor N_n \iso \bigoplus_{n \in Z} \bigoplus_{i + j = n} M_i \tensor N_j. $$ |
This defines a natural grading on the tensor product. |
\begin{definition} |
The graded tensor product is defined as: |
$$ (M \tensor N)_n = \bigoplus_{i + j = n} M_i \tensor N_j. $$ |
\end{definition} |
The graded modules together with graded maps of degree $0$ form the category $\grMod{\k}$ of graded modules. Together with the tensor product and the ground ring, $(\grMod{\k}, \tensor, \k)$ is a monoidal category. This now dictates the definition of a graded algebra. |
\begin{definition} |
A \emph{graded algebra} consists of a graded module $A$ together with two graded maps of degree $0$: |
$$ \mu: A \tensor A \to A \quad\text{ and }\quad \eta: k \to A $$ |
such that $\mu$ is associative and $\eta$ is a unit for $\mu$. |
A graded map between two graded algebra will be called \emph{graded algebra map} if the map is compatible with the multiplication and unit. |
\end{definition} |
Again these objects form a category, denoted as $\grAlg{\k}$. |
\begin{definition} |
A graded algebra $A$ is \emph{commutative} if for all $x, y \in A$ |
$$ xy = (-1)^{\deg{x}\deg{y}}yx. $$ |
\end{definition} |
\subsection{Differential graded algebra} |
Now define differentials... and the categories $\cat{DGA}_\k, \cat{CGDA}_\k$. |
Note that a monoidal object of differential graded modules is the same as a graded algebra with a differential. |
Conclude with (co)chain complexes and (co)chain (co)algebras. |
\subsection{Model categories} |
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@book{felix, |
title={Rational homotopy theory}, |
author={F{\'e}lix, Yves and Halperin, Steve and Thomas, Jean-Claude}, |
volume={205}, |
year={2001}, |
publisher={Springer} |
} |
@book{bous, |
title={On PL de Rham theory and rational homotopy type}, |
author={Bousfield, Aldridge Knight and Gugenheim, Victor KAM}, |
volume={179}, |
year={1976}, |
publisher={American Mathematical Soc.} |
} |
@article{hess, |
title={Rational homotopy theory: a brief introduction}, |
author={Hess, Kathryn and others}, |
journal={Contemporary Mathematics}, |
volume={436}, |
pages={175}, |
year={2007}, |
publisher={Providence, RI; American Mathematical Society; 1999} |
} |
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\title{Rational Homotopy Theory} |
\author{Joshua Moerman} |
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Reference in new issue