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Adds a section about the homotopy relation on cdga

Joshua Moerman 11 years ago
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@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ In this section we will define a model structure on CDGAs over a field $\k$ of c
We will prove the different axioms in the following lemmas. First observe that the classes as defined above are indeed closed under multiplication and contain all isomorphisms.
Note that with these classes, every cdga is a fibrant object.
[MC1] The category has all finite limits and colimits.
@ -109,3 +111,51 @@ where $i$ is the obvious inclusion $i(a) = a \tensor 1$ and $p$ maps (products o
\subsection{Homotopy relation on \texorpdfstring{$\CDGA_\k$}{CDGA}}
Although the abstract theory of model categories gives us tools to construct a homotopy relation (\DefinitionRef{homotopy}), it is useful to have a concrete notion of homotopic maps.
Consider the free cdga on one generator $\Lambda(t, dt)$, this can be thought of as the (dual) unit interval. Indeed there is an isomorphism $\Lambda(t, dt) \iso \Apl_1$ and so we have maps for the two endpoint: $d_0, d_1: \Lambda(t, dt) \to \k \iso \Apl_0$. Given a cdga $X$ we will consider $d_0, d_1: \Lambda(t, dt) \tensor X \to \k \tensor X \iso X$.
We call $f, g: A \to X$ homotopic ($f \simeq g$) if there is a map
$$ h: A \to \Lambda(t, dt) \tensor X, $$
such that $d_0 h = g$ and $d_1 h = f$.
In terms of model categories, such a homotopy is a right homotopy and the object $\Lambda(t, dt) \tensor X$ is a path object for $X$. We can easily see that it is a very good path object, first note that $\Lambda(t, dt) \tensor X \to X \oplus X$ is surjective (for $(x, y) \in X \oplus X$ take $t \tensor x + 1 \tensor y$), secondly $\Apl_0 \to \Apl_1$ is a cofibration and so is $X \to \Lambda(t, dt) \tensor X$.
Clearly we have that $f \simeq g$ implies $f \simeq^r g$ (see \DefinitionRef{right_homotopy}), however the converse need not be true.
If $A$ is a cofibrant cdga and $f \simeq^r g: A \to X$, then $f \simeq g$ in the above sense.
Because $A$ is cofibrant, there is a very good homotopy $H$. Consider a lifting problem to construct a map $Path_X \to \Lambda(t, dt) \tensor X$.
For cofibrant $A$, $\simeq$ defines a equivalence relation.
For cofibrant $A$ define the set of equivalence classes as:
$$ [A, X] = \Hom_{\CDGA_\k}(A, X) / \simeq. $$
The results from model categories immediately imply the following results.
Let $A$ be cofibrant.
\item Let $i: A \to B$ be a trivial cofibration, then the induced map $i^\ast: [B, X] \to [A, X]$ is a bijection.
\item Let $p: X \to Y$ be a trivial fibration, then the induced map $p_\ast: [A, X] \to [A, Y]$ is a bijection.
\item Let $A$ and $X$ both be cofibrant, then $f: A \we X$ is a weak equivalence if and only if $f$ is a strong homotopy equivalence. Moreover, the two induced maps are bijections:
$$ f_\ast: [Z, A] \tot{\iso} [Z, X], $$
$$ f^\ast: [X, Z] \tot{\iso} [A, X]. $$
Let $f, g: A \to X$ be two homotopic maps, then $H(f) = H(g): HA \to HX$.
We only need to consider $H(d_0)$ and $H(d_1)$.


@ -179,6 +179,8 @@
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