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Adds better title page, more intro/outro. Fixes typoes

Joshua Moerman 10 years ago
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@ -1,176 +1,4 @@
\chapter{Rational Homotopy Groups Of The Spheres And Other Calculations}
In this chapter we will calculate the rational homotopy groups of the spheres using minimal models. The minimal model for the sphere was already given, but we will quickly redo the calculation.
\section{The sphere}
For odd $n$ the rational homotopy groups of $S^n$ are given by
$$ \pi_i(S^n) \tensor \Q \iso \begin{cases}
\Q, &\text{ if } i=n \\
0, &\text{ otherwise.}
\end{cases} $$
We know the cohomology of the sphere by classical results:
$$ H^i(S^n ; \Q) = \begin{cases}
\Q \cdot 1, &\text{ if } i = 0 \\
\Q \cdot x, &\text{ if } i = n \\
0, &\text{ otherwise,}
where $x$ is a generator of degree $n$. Define $M_{S^n} = \Lambda(e)$ with $d(e) = 0$ and $e$ of degree $n$. Notice that since $n$ is odd, we get $e^2 = 0$. By taking a representative for $x$, we can give a map $M_{S^n} \to A(S^n)$, which is a weak equivalence.
Clearly $M_{S^n}$ is minimal, and hence it is a minimal model for $S^n$. By \TheoremRef{main-theorem} we have
$$ \pi_\ast(S^n) \tensor \Q = \pi_\ast(K(M_{S^n})) = \pi^\ast(M_{S^n})^\ast = \Q \cdot e^\ast. $$
For even $n$ the rational homotopy groups of $S^n$ are given by
$$ \pi_i(S^n) \tensor \Q \iso \begin{cases}
\Q, &\text{ if } i = 2n-1 \\
\Q, &\text{ if } i = n \\
0, &\text{ otherwise.}
\end{cases} $$
Again since we know the cohomology of the sphere, we can construct its minimal model. Define $M_{S^n} = \Lambda(e, f)$ with $d(e) = 0, d(f) = e^2$ and $\deg{e} = n, \deg{f} = 2n-1$. Let $[x] \in H^n(S^n; \Q)$ be a generator and $x \in A(S^n)$ its representative, then notice that $[x]^2 = 0$. This means that there exists an element $y \in A(S^n)$ such that $dy = x^2$. Mapping $e$ to $x$ and $f$ to $y$ defines a quasi isomorphism $M_{S^n} \to A(S^n)$.
Again we can use \CorollaryRef{minimal-cdga-homotopy-groups} to directly conclude:
$$ \pi_\ast(S^n) \tensor \Q = \pi^\ast(M_{S^n})^\ast = \Q \cdot e^\ast \oplus \Q \cdot f^\ast. $$
The generators $e$ and $f$ in the last proof are related by the so called \Def{Whitehead product}. The whitehead product is a bilinear map $\pi_p(X) \times \pi_q(X) \to \pi_{p+q-1}(X)$ satisfying a graded commutativity relation and a graded Jacobi relation, see \cite{felix}. If we define a \Def{Whitehead algebra} to be a graded vector space with such a map satisfying these relations, we can summarize the above two propositions as follows \cite{berglund}.
The rational homotopy groups of $S^n$ are given by
$$ \pi_\ast(S^n) \tensor \Q = \text{the free whitehead algebra on 1 generator}. $$
Together with the fact that all groups $\pi_i(S^n)$ are finitely generated (this was proven by Serre in \cite{serre}) we can conclude that $\pi_i(S^n)$ is a finite group unless $i=n$ or $i=2n-1$ when $n$ is even. The fact that $\pi_i(S^n)$ are finitely generated can be proven by the Serre-Hurewicz theorems (\TheoremRef{serre-hurewicz}) when taking the Serre class of finitely generated abelian groups (but this requires a weaker notion of a Serre class, and stronger theorems, than the one given in this thesis).
\section{Eilenberg-MacLane spaces}
The following result is already used in proving the main theorem. But using the main theorem it is an easy and elegant consequence.
For an Eilenberg-MacLane space of type $K(\Z, n)$ we have:
$$ H^\ast(K(\Z, n); \Q) \iso \Q[x], $$
i.e. the free graded commutative algebra on 1 generator.
By the existence theorem for minimal models, we know there is a minimal model $(\Lambda V, d) \we A(K(\Z, n))$. By calculating the homotopy groups we see
$$ {V^i}^\ast = \pi^i(\Lambda V)^\ast = \pi_i(K(\Z, n)) \tensor \Q = \begin{cases}
\Q, &\text{ if } i = n \\
0, &\text{ otherwise.}
\end{cases} $$
This means that $V$ is concentrated in degree $n$ and that the differential is trivial. Take a generator $x$ of degree $n$ such that $V = \Q \cdot x$ and conclude that the cohomology of the minimal model, and hence the cohomology of $K(\Z, n)$, is $H(\Lambda V, 0) = \Q[x]$.
% page 142 and 248
Let $X$ and $Y$ be two $1$-connected spaces, we will determine the minimal model for $X \times Y$. We have the two projections maps $X \times Y \tot{\pi_X} X$ and $X \times Y \tot{\pi_Y} Y$ which induces maps of cdga's: $A(X) \tot{{\pi_X}_\ast} A(X \times Y)$ and $A(Y) \tot{{\pi_Y}_\ast} A(X \times Y)$. Because we are working with commutative algebras, we can multiply the two maps to obtain:
$$ \mu: A(X) \tensor A(Y) \tot{{\pi_X}_\ast \cdot {\pi_Y}_\ast} A(X \times Y). $$
This is different from the singular cochain complex where the Eilenberg-Zilber map is needed. However by passing to cohomology the multiplication is identified with the cup product. Hence, by applying the Künneth theorem, we see that $\mu$ is a weak equivalence.
Now if $M_X = (\Lambda V, d_X)$ and $M_Y = (\Lambda W, d_Y)$ are the minimal models for $A(X)$ and $A(Y)$, we see that $M_X \tensor M_Y \we A(X) \tensor A(Y)$ is a weak equivalence (again by the Künneth theorem). Furthermore $M_X \tensor M_Y = (\Lambda V \tensor \Lambda W, d_X \tensor d_Y)$ is itself minimal, with $V \oplus W$ as generating space. As a direct consequence we see that
\pi_i(X \times Y) \tensor \Q &\iso \pi^i(M_X \tensor M_Y)^\ast \\
&\iso {V^i}^\ast \oplus {W^i}^\ast \iso \pi_i(X) \oplus \pi_i(Y),
which of course also follows from the classical result that ordinary homotopy groups already commute with products \cite{may}.
Going from cdga's to spaces is easier. Since $K$ is a right adjoint from $\opCat{\CDGA}$ to $\sSet$ it preserves products. For two cdga's $A$ and $B$, this means:
$$ K(A \tensor B) \iso K(A) \times K(B). $$
Since the geometric realization of simplicial sets also preserve products, we get
$$ |K(A \tensor B)| \iso |K(A)| \times |K(B)|. $$
% page 143, Hopf
In this section we will prove that the rational cohomology of an H-space is free as commutative graded algebra. We will also give its minimal model and relate it to the homotopy groups. In some sense H-spaces are homotopy generalizations of topological monoids. In particular topological groups (and hence Lie groups) are H-spaces.
An \Def{H-space} is a pointed topological space $x_0 \in X$ with a map $\mu: X \times X \to X$, such that $\mu(x_0, -), \mu(-, x_0) : X \to X$ are homotopic to $\id_X$.
Let $X$ be an $0$-connected H-space of finite type, then we have the induced comultiplication map $\mu^\ast: H^\ast(X; \Q) \to H^\ast(X; \Q) \tensor H^\ast(X; \Q)$.
Homotopic maps are sent to equal maps in cohomology, so we get $H^\ast(\mu(x_0, -)) = \id_{H^\ast(X; \Q)}$. Now write $H^\ast(\mu(x_0, -)) = (\counit \tensor \id) \circ H^\ast(\mu)$, where $\counit$ is the augmentation induced by $x_0$, to conclude that for any $h \in H^{+}(X; \Q)$ the image is of the form
$$ H^\ast(\mu)(h) = h \tensor 1 + 1 \tensor h + \psi, $$
for some element $\psi \in H^{+}(X; \Q) \tensor H^{+}(X; \Q)$. This means that the comultiplication is counital.
Choose a subspace $V$ of $H^+(X; \Q)$ such that $H^+(X; \Q) = V \oplus H^+(X; \Q) \cdot H^+(X; \Q)$. In particular we get $V^1 = H^1(X; \Q)$ and $H^2(X; \Q) = V^2 \oplus H^1(X; \Q) \cdot H^1(X; \Q)$. Continuing with induction we see that the induced map $\phi : \Lambda V \to H^\ast(X; \Q)$ is surjective. One can prove (by induction on the degree and using the counitality) that the elements in $V$ are primitive, i.e. $\mu^\ast(v) = 1 \tensor v + v \tensor 1$ for all $v \in V$. Since the free algebra is also a coalgebra (with the generators being the primitive elements), it follows that $\phi$ is a map of coalgebras:
\[ \xymatrix{
\Lambda V \ar[r]^\phi \ar[d]^\Delta & H^\ast(X; \Q) \ar[d]^{\mu^\ast} \\
\Lambda V \tensor \Lambda V \ar[r]^{\phi\tensor\phi} & H^\ast(X; \Q) \tensor H^\ast(X; \Q) \\
} \]
We will now prove that $\phi$ is also injective. Suppose by induction that $\phi$ is injective on $\Lambda V^{<n}$. An element $w \in \Lambda V^{\leq n}$ can be written as $\sum_{k_1, \ldots, k_r} v_1^{k_1} \cdots v_r^{k_r} a_{k_1 \cdots k_r}$, where $\{v_1, \ldots, v_r\}$ is a basis for $V^n$ and $a_{k_1 \cdots k_r} \in \Lambda V^{<n}$. Assume $\phi(w) = 0$. Let $\pi : H^\ast(X; \Q) \to H^\ast(X; \Q) / \phi(\Lambda V^{<n})$ is the (linear) projection map. Now consider the image of $(\pi \tensor \id) \mu^\ast (\phi(w))$ in the component $\im(\pi)^n \tensor H^\ast(X; \Q)$, it can be written as (here we use the above commuting square):
\[ \sum_i ( \pi(v_i) \tensor \phi(\sum_{k_1, \ldots, k_r} v_1^{k_1} \cdots v_i^{k_i - 1} \cdots v_r^{k_r}a_{k_1 \cdots k_r}) \]
As $\phi(w) = 0$ and the elements $\pi(v_i)$ are linearly independent, we see that $\phi(\sum_{k_1, \ldots, k_r} v_1^{k_1} \cdots v_i^{k_i - 1} \cdots v_r^{k_r}a_{k_1 \cdots k_r}) = 0$ for all $i$. By induction on the degree of $w$ (the base case being $\deg{w} = n$ is trivial), we conclude that
\[ \sum_{k_1, \ldots, k_r} v_1^{k_1} \cdots v_i^{k_i - 1} \cdots v_r^{k_r}a_{k_1 \cdots k_r} = 0 \text{ for all } i\]
This means that either all $k_i = 0$, in which case $w \in \Lambda V^{<n}$ and so $w = 0$ by induction, or all $a_{k_1, \ldots, k_r} = 0$, in which case we have $w = 0$. This proves that $\phi$ is injective.
We have proven that $\phi : \Lambda V \to H^\ast(H; \Q)$ is an isomorphism. So the cohomology of an H-space is free as cga. Now we can choose cocycles in $A(X)$ which represent the cohomology classes. More precisely for $v_i^{(n)} \in V^n$ we choose $w_i^{(n)} \in A(X)^n$ representing it. This defines a map, which sends $v_i^{(n)}$ to $w_i^{(n)}$. Since $w_i^{(n)}$ are cocycles, this is a map of cdga's:
\[ m : (\Lambda V, 0) \to A(X) \]
Now by the calculation above, this is a weak equivalence. Furthermore $(\Lambda V, 0)$ is minimal. We have proven the following lemma:
Let $X$ be a $0$-connected H-space of finite type. Then its minimal model is of the form $(\Lambda V, 0)$. In particular we see:
\[ H(X; \Q) = \Lambda V \qquad \pi_\ast(X) \tensor \Q = V^\ast \]
This allows us to directly relate the rational homotopy groups (recall that $\pi_n(X) \tensor X = {V^n}^\ast$) to the cohomology groups.
The spheres $S^n$ are not H-spaces if $n$ is even.
In fact we have that $S^n_\Q$ is an H-space if and only if $n$ is odd. The only if part is precisely the corollary above, the if part follows from the fact that $S^n_\Q$ is the loop space $K(\Q^\ast, n)$ for odd $n$.
We will end this chapter with some related topics.
\section{Localizations at primes and the arithmetic square}
In \ChapterRef{Serre} we proved some results by Serre to relate homotopy groups and homology groups modulo a class of abelian groups. Now the class of $p$-torsion groups and the class of $p$-divisible groups are also Serre classes. This suggests that we can also ``localize homotopy theory at primes''. Indeed the construction in section \ChapterRef{Rationalization} can be altered to give a $p$-localization $X_p$ of a space $X$. Recall that for the rationalization we constructed a telescope with a sphere for each $k > 0$. For the $p$-localization we can construct a telescope only for $k > 0$ relative prime to $p$.
Now that we have a bunch of localizations $X_\Q, X_2, X_3, X_5, \ldots$ we might wonder what homotopical information of $X$ we can reconstruct from these localizations. In other words: can we go from local to global? The answer is yes in the following sense. For details we refer to \cite{may2} and \cite{sullivan}.
Let $X$ be a space, then $X$ is the homotopy pullback in
\[ \xymatrix{
X \ar[r] \ar[d] & \prod_{p\text{ prime}} X_p \ar[d] \\
X_\Q \ar[r] & (\prod_{p\text{ prime}} X_p)_\Q
This theorem is known as \emph{the arithmetic square}, \emph{fracture theorem} or \emph{local-to-global theorem}.
As an example we find that if $X$ is an H-space, then so are its localizations. The converse also holds when certain compatibility requirements are satisfied \cite{sullivan}. In the previous section we were able to prove that $S^n_\Q$ is an H-space if and only if $n$ is odd. It turns out that the prime $p=2$ brings the key to Adams's theorem: for odd $n$ we have that $S^n_2$ is an H-space if and only if $n=1, 3$ or $7$. For the other primes $S^n_p$ is always an H-space for odd $n$. This observation leads to one approach to prove Adams' theorem.
\section{Quillen's approach to rational homotopy theory}
In this thesis we used Sullivan's approach to give algebraic models for rational spaces. However, Sullivan was not the first to give algebraic models. Quillen gave a dual approach in \cite{quillen}. By a long chain of homotopy equivalences his main result is
\Ho(\Top_{1, \Q}) &\iso \Ho(\text{dg \emph{Lie} algebras}_{0, \Q}) \\
&\iso \Ho(\text{cdg \emph{co}algebras}_{1, \Q})
The first category is the one of differential graded Lie algebras over $\Q$ and the second is cocommutative (coassociative) differential graded coalgebras. Quillen's approach does not need the finite dimensionality assumptions and is hence more general.
Minimal models in these categories also exist, as shown in \cite{neisendorfer}. They are defined analogously, we require the object to be cofibrant (of fibrant in the coalgebra case) and that the differential is zero in the chain complex of indecomposables. Of course the meaning of indecomposable depends on the category.
Despite the generality of Quillen's approach, the author of this thesis \todo{ok?} preferes the approach by Sullivan as it provides a single, elegant functor $A: \sSet \to \CDGA$. Moreover cdga's are easier to manipulate as commutative ring theory is a more basic subject than Lie algebras or coalgebras.
In many localtions in this thesis we assumed simply connectedness of objects (both spaces an cdga's). The assumption was often use to prove the base case of some inductive argument. In \cite{bousfield} the main equivalence is proven for so called nilpotent spaces (which is more general than $1$-connected spaces).
In short, a nilpotent group is a group which is constructed by finitely many extensions of abelian groups. A space is called nilpotent if its fundamental group is nilpotent and the action of $\pi_1$ on $\pi_n$ satisfies a related requirement.
Now the base cases in our proofs become more complicated, as we need another inductive argument (on these extensions of abelian groups) in the base case.
\todo{note $\Q$-completion?}


@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
\chapter{Homotopy Theory For cdga's}
\Chapter{Homotopy Theory For cdga's}{HomotopyTheoryCDGA}
Recall that a cdga $A$ is a commutative differential graded algebra, meaning that
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ In this chapter the ring $\k$ is assumed to be a field of characteristic zero. I
\chapter{Polynomial Forms}
\Chapter{Polynomial Forms}{Adjunction}
\section{CDGA of Polynomials}


@ -5,16 +5,17 @@ In this thesis we will study rational homotopy theory. The subject was first con
In order to investigate the torsion free part of any (abelian) group, one can tensor with the rationals to kill all torsion. This observation allows to define rational homotopy groups for any space.
The fact that the rationals homotopy groups of the spheres are so simple led other mathematician believe that there could be a simple description for all of rational homotopy theory. The first to succesfully give an algebraic model for rational homotopy theory was Quillen in the 1960s \cite{quillen}. His approach, however, is quite complicated. The equivalence he proves passes through four different cagtegories. Not much later Sullivan gave an approach which resembles some ideas from de Rahm cohomology \cite{sullivan}.
The fact that the rationals homotopy groups of the spheres are so simple led other mathematician believe that there could be a simple description for all of rational homotopy theory. The first to successfully give an algebraic model for rational homotopy theory was Quillen in the 1960s \cite{quillen}. His approach, however, is quite complicated. The equivalence he proves passes through four different categories. Not much later Sullivan gave an approach which resembles some ideas from de Rahm cohomology \cite{sullivan}.
The most influencial paper is from Bousfield and Gugenheim which combines Quillen's abstract machinery of model categories with the approach of Sullivan \cite{bousfield}.
The most influential paper is from Bousfield and Gugenheim which combines Quillen's abstract machinery of model categories with the approach of Sullivan \cite{bousfield}. Being only a paper, it does not contain a lot of details, which might scare the reader at first.
\todo{some further glue}
In this thesis we will start with the work from Serre in \ChapterRef{Serre}. We will avoid the use of spectral sequences. The theorems stated in this chapter are not necessarily needed for the main theorems in this thesis. Nowadays there are more abstract tools to prove the needed results, but as Serre's theorems are nice in their own rights, they are included in this thesis.
There is a much newer book by Félix, Halperin and Thomas \cite{felix}. This book covers much more than the paper from Bousfield and Gugenheim but does not use the theory of model categories. On one hand, this makes the proofs more elementary, on the other hand it may obscure some abstract constructions. This thesis will provide a middle ground. We will use model categories, but still provide a lot of detail.
The next chapter (\ChapterRef{Rationalization}) describes a way to localize a space, in the same way we can localize a ring. This technique allows us to consider ordinary homotopy equivalences between the localized spaces, instead of (the less topological) rational equivalences.
After some preliminaries this thesis will start with the work from Serre in \ChapterRef{Serre}. We will avoid the use of spectral sequences. The theorems stated in this chapter are not necessarily needed for the main theorems in this thesis. Nowadays there are more abstract tools to prove the needed results, but as Serre's theorems are nice in their own rights, they are included in this thesis.
The biggest chapter is \ChapterRef{HomotopyTheoryCDGA}. In this chapter we will describe commutative differential graded algebras (on can think of these as rings which are also cochain complexes) and their homotopy theory. Not only will we describe a model structure on this category, we will also explicitly describe homotopy relations and homotopy groups.
The next chapter (\ChapterRef{Rationalization}) describes a way to localize a space, in the same way we can localize a ring. This technique allows us to consider ordinary homotopy equivalences between the localized spaces, instead of rational equivalences, which are harder to visualize.
The longest chapter is \ChapterRef{HomotopyTheoryCDGA}. In this chapter we will describe commutative differential graded algebras and their homotopy theory. One can think of these objects as rings which are at the same time cochain complexes. Not only will we describe a model structure on this category, we will also explicitly describe homotopy relations and homotopy groups.
In \ChapterRef{Adjunction} we define an adjunction between simplicial sets and commutative differential graded algebras. It is here that we see a construction similar to the de Rahm complex of a manifold.
@ -22,19 +23,20 @@ In \ChapterRef{Adjunction} we define an adjunction between simplicial sets and c
The main theorem is proven in \ChapterRef{Equivalence}. The adjunction from \ChapterRef{Adjunction} turns out to induce an equivalence on (subcategories of) the homotopy categories. This unifies rational homotopy theory of spaces with the homotopy theory of commutative differential graded algebras.
Finally we will see some explicit calculations in \ChapterRef{Applications}. These calculations are remarkable easy, once we have the main equivalence. To prove, for example, Serre's result on the rational homotopy groups of spheres, we construct a minimal model and read off their homotopy groups. We will also discuss related topics in this chapter.
Finally we will see some explicit calculations in \ChapterRef{Calculations}. These calculations are remarkable easy, once we have the main equivalence. To prove, for example, Serre's result on the rational homotopy groups of spheres, we construct a minimal model and read off their homotopy groups. We will also discuss related topics in \ChapterRef{Topics} which will conclude this thesis.
\section{Preliminaries and Notation}
We assume the reader is familiar with category theory, basics from algebraic topology and the basics of simplicial sets. Some knowledge about differential graded algebra (or homological algebra) and model categories is assumed, but the reader may review some facts on this in the appendices.
We assume the reader is familiar with category theory, basics from algebraic topology and the basics of simplicial sets. Some knowledge about differential graded algebra (or homological algebra) and model categories is also assumed, but the reader may review some facts on homological algebra in Appendix \ref{sec:algebra} and facts on model categories in Appendix \ref{sec:model_categories}.
We will fix the following notations and categories.
\item $\k$ will denote an arbitrary commutative ring (or field, if indicated at the start of a section). Modules, tensor products, \dots are understood as $\k$-modules, tensor products over $\k$, \dots.
\item $\k$ will denote an arbitrary commutative ring (or field, if indicated at the start of a section). Modules, tensor products, \dots are understood as $\k$-modules, tensor products over $\k$, \dots.\todo{$\k$ doesn't always seem to work...}
\item $\Hom_{\cat{C}}(A, B)$ will denote the set of maps from $A$ to $B$ in the category $\cat{C}$. The subscript $\cat{C}$ may occasionally be left out.
\item $\Top$: category of topological spaces and continuous maps. We denote the full subcategory of $r$-connected spaces by $\Top_r$, this convention is also used for other categories.
\item $\Ab$: category of abelian groups and group homomorphisms.
\item $\sSet$: category of simplicial sets and simplicial maps (more generally we have the category of simplicial objects, $\cat{sC}$, for any category $\cat{C}$). We have the homotopy equivalence $|-| : \sSet \leftadj \Top : S$.
\item $\sSet$: category of simplicial sets and simplicial maps. More generally we have the category of simplicial objects, $\cat{sC}$, for any category $\cat{C}$. We have the homotopy equivalence $|-| : \sSet \leftadj \Top : S$ to switch between topological spaces and simplicial sets.
\item $\DGA_\k$: category of non-negatively differential graded algebras over $\k$ (as defined in the appendix) and graded algebra maps. As a shorthand we will refer to such an object as \emph{dga}. Furthermore $\CDGA_\k$ is the full subcategory of $\DGA_\k$ of commutative dga's (\emph{cdga}'s).


@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
\chapter{The main equivalence}
\Chapter{The main equivalence}{Equivalence}
In this section we aim to prove that the homotopy theory of rational spaces is the same as the homotopy theory of cdga's over $\Q$. Before we prove the equivalence, we will show that $A$ and $K$ form a Quillen pair. This already provides an adjunction between the homotopy categories. Besides the equivalence of the homotopy categories we will also prove that the homotopy groups of a space will be dual to the homotopy groups of the associated cdga.


@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ Finally we come to the definition of a differential graded algebra. This will be
In general, a map which satisfies the above Leibniz rule is called a \Def{derivation}. It is not hard to see that the definition of a dga precisely defines the monoidal objects in the category of differential graded modules.
In this thesis we will restrict our atention to dga's $M$ with $M^i = 0 $ for all $i < 0$, i.e. non-negatively (cohomologically) graded dga's. We denote the category of these dga's by $\DGA_\k$, the category of commutative dga's (cdga's) will be denoted by $\CDGA_\k$. If no confusion can arise, the ground ring $\k$ will be suppressed in this notation. These objects are also refered to as \emph{(co)chain algebras}.
In this thesis we will restrict our attention to dga's $M$ with $M^i = 0 $ for all $i < 0$, i.e. non-negatively (cohomologically) graded dga's. We denote the category of these dga's by $\DGA_\k$, the category of commutative dga's (cdga's) will be denoted by $\CDGA_\k$. If no confusion can arise, the ground ring $\k$ will be suppressed in this notation. These objects are also referred to as \emph{(co)chain algebras}.
An \Def{augmented dga} is a dga $A$ with an map $\counit : A \to \k$. Note that this necessarily means that $\counit \unit = \id$.


@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ In the following definition \emph{space} is to be understood as a topological sp
A $0$-connected space $X$ with abelian fundamental group is a \emph{rational space} if
$$ \pi_i(X) \text{ is a $\Q$-vector space } \quad \forall i > 0. $$
The full subcategory of rational spaces is denoted by $\Top_\Q$ (or $\sSet_\Q$ when working with simplicial sets).
@ -16,7 +17,7 @@ In the following definition \emph{space} is to be understood as a topological sp
$$ \pi_i(X) \tensor \Q \quad \forall i > 0.$$
In order to define the tensor product $\pi_1(X) \tensor \Q$ we need that the fundamental group is abelian, the higher homotopy groups are always abelian. There is a more general approach using \Def{nilpotent groups}, which admit $\Q$-completions \cite{bousfield}. Since this is rather technical we will often restrict ourselves to such spaces or even simply connected spaces.
In order to define the tensor product $\pi_1(X) \tensor \Q$ we need that the fundamental group is abelian, the higher homotopy groups are always abelian. There is a more general approach using \Def{nilpotent groups}, which admit $\Q$-completions \cite{bousfield}. Since this is rather technical we will often restrict ourselves to spaces as above or even simply connected spaces.
Note that for a rational space $X$, the ordinary homotopy groups are isomorphic to the rational homotopy groups, i.e. $\pi_i(X) \tensor \Q \iso \pi_i(X)$.
@ -28,9 +29,9 @@ Note that for a rational space $X$, the ordinary homotopy groups are isomorphic
A map $f: X \to X_0$ is a \emph{rationalization} if $X_0$ is rational and $f$ is a rational homotopy equivalence.
Note that a weak equivalence (and hence also a homotopy equivalence) is always a rational homotopy theory. Furthermore if $f: X \to Y$ is a map between rational spaces, then $f$ is a rational homotopy equivalence if and only if $f$ is a weak equivalence.
Note that a weak equivalence is always a rational equivalence. Furthermore if $f: X \to Y$ is a map between rational spaces, then $f$ is a rational homotopy equivalence if and only if $f$ is a weak equivalence.
The theory of rational homotopy is the study of spaces with rational equivalences. Quillen defines a model structure on simply connected simplicial sets with rational equivalences as weak equivalences \cite{quillen}. This means that there is a homotopy category $\Ho^\Q(\sSet_1)$. However we will later prove that every simply connected space has a rationalization, so that $\Ho^\Q(\sSet_1) = \Ho(\sSet^\Q_1)$ are equivalent categories. This means that we do not need the model structure defined by Quillen, but we can simply restrict ourselves to rational spaces (with ordinary weak equivalences).
The theory of rational homotopy is the study of spaces with rational equivalences. Quillen defines a model structure on simply connected simplicial sets with rational equivalences as weak equivalences \cite{quillen}. This means that there is a homotopy category $\Ho^\Q(\sSet_1)$. However we will later prove that every simply connected space has a rationalization, so that $\Ho_\Q(\sSet_1) = \Ho(\sSet_{1,\Q})$ are equivalent categories. This means that we do not need the model structure defined by Quillen, but we can just restrict ourselves to rational spaces with ordinary weak equivalences.
\section{Classical results from algebraic topology}
@ -38,20 +39,20 @@ The theory of rational homotopy is the study of spaces with rational equivalence
We will now recall known results from algebraic topology, without proof. One can find many of these results in basic text books, such as \cite{may, dold}.
(Relative Hurewicz) For any inclusion of spaces $Y \subset X$ and all $i > 0$, there is a natural map
(Relative Hurewicz Theorem) For any inclusion of spaces $Y \subset X$ and all $i > 0$, there is a natural map
$$ h_i : \pi_i(X, Y) \to H_i(X, Y). $$
If furthermore $(X, Y)$ is $n$-connected ($n > 0$), then the map $h_i$ is an isomorphism for all $i \leq n + 1$.
(Long exact sequence) Let $f: X \to Y$ be a Serre fibration, then there is a long exact sequence:
(Long Exact Sequence of Homotopy Groups) Let $f: X \to Y$ be a Serre fibration, then there is a long exact sequence:
$$ \cdots \tot{\del} \pi_i(F) \tot{i_\ast} \pi_i(X) \tot{f_\ast} \pi_i(Y) \tot{\del} \cdots \to \pi_0(Y) \to \ast, $$
where $F$ is the fiber of $f$.
Using an inductive argument and the previous two theorems, one can show the following theorem (as for example shown in \cite{griffiths}).
(Whitehead) For any map $f: X \to Y$ between $1$-connected spaces, $ \pi_i(f) $ is an isomorphism $\forall 0 < i < r$ if and only if $H_i(f)$ is an isomorphism $\forall 0 < i < r$.
(Whitehead Theorem) For any map $f: X \to Y$ between $1$-connected spaces, $ \pi_i(f) $ is an isomorphism $\forall 0 < i < r$ if and only if $H_i(f)$ is an isomorphism $\forall 0 < i < r$.
In particular we see that $f$ is a weak equivalence if and only if it induces an isomorphism on homology.


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\Chapter{Rational Homotopy Groups Of The Spheres And Other Calculations}{Calculations}
In this chapter we will calculate the rational homotopy groups of the spheres using minimal models. The minimal model for the sphere was already given, but we will quickly redo the calculation.
\section{The sphere}
For odd $n$ the rational homotopy groups of $S^n$ are given by
$$ \pi_i(S^n) \tensor \Q \iso \begin{cases}
\Q, &\text{ if } i=n \\
0, &\text{ otherwise.}
\end{cases} $$
We know the cohomology of the sphere by classical results:
$$ H^i(S^n ; \Q) = \begin{cases}
\Q \cdot 1, &\text{ if } i = 0 \\
\Q \cdot x, &\text{ if } i = n \\
0, &\text{ otherwise,}
where $x$ is a generator of degree $n$. Define $M_{S^n} = \Lambda(e)$ with $d(e) = 0$ and $e$ of degree $n$. Notice that since $n$ is odd, we get $e^2 = 0$. By taking a representative for $x$, we can give a map $M_{S^n} \to A(S^n)$, which is a weak equivalence.
Clearly $M_{S^n}$ is minimal, and hence it is a minimal model for $S^n$. By \TheoremRef{main-theorem} we have
$$ \pi_\ast(S^n) \tensor \Q = \pi_\ast(K(M_{S^n})) = \pi^\ast(M_{S^n})^\ast = \Q \cdot e^\ast. $$
For even $n$ the rational homotopy groups of $S^n$ are given by
$$ \pi_i(S^n) \tensor \Q \iso \begin{cases}
\Q, &\text{ if } i = 2n-1 \\
\Q, &\text{ if } i = n \\
0, &\text{ otherwise.}
\end{cases} $$
Again since we know the cohomology of the sphere, we can construct its minimal model. Define $M_{S^n} = \Lambda(e, f)$ with $d(e) = 0, d(f) = e^2$ and $\deg{e} = n, \deg{f} = 2n-1$. Let $[x] \in H^n(S^n; \Q)$ be a generator and $x \in A(S^n)$ its representative, then notice that $[x]^2 = 0$. This means that there exists an element $y \in A(S^n)$ such that $dy = x^2$. Mapping $e$ to $x$ and $f$ to $y$ defines a quasi isomorphism $M_{S^n} \to A(S^n)$.
Again we can use \CorollaryRef{minimal-cdga-homotopy-groups} to directly conclude:
$$ \pi_\ast(S^n) \tensor \Q = \pi^\ast(M_{S^n})^\ast = \Q \cdot e^\ast \oplus \Q \cdot f^\ast. $$
The generators $e$ and $f$ in the last proof are related by the so called \Def{Whitehead product}. The whitehead product is a bilinear map $\pi_p(X) \times \pi_q(X) \to \pi_{p+q-1}(X)$ satisfying a graded commutativity relation and a graded Jacobi relation, see \cite{felix}. If we define a \Def{Whitehead algebra} to be a graded vector space with such a map satisfying these relations, we can summarize the above two propositions as follows \cite{berglund}.
The rational homotopy groups of $S^n$ are given by
$$ \pi_\ast(S^n) \tensor \Q = \text{the free whitehead algebra on 1 generator}. $$
Together with the fact that all groups $\pi_i(S^n)$ are finitely generated (this was proven by Serre in \cite{serre}) we can conclude that $\pi_i(S^n)$ is a finite group unless $i=n$ and unless $i=2n-1$ for even $n$. The fact that $\pi_i(S^n)$ are finitely generated can be proven by the Serre-Hurewicz theorems (\TheoremRef{serre-hurewicz}) when taking the Serre class of finitely generated abelian groups (but this requires a weaker notion of a Serre class, and stronger theorems, than the one given in this thesis).
\section{Eilenberg-MacLane spaces}
The following result is already used in proving the main theorem. But using the main theorem it is an easy and elegant consequence.
For an Eilenberg-MacLane space of type $K(\Z, n)$ we have:
$$ H^\ast(K(\Z, n); \Q) \iso \Q[x], $$
i.e. the free graded commutative algebra on 1 generator.
By the existence theorem for minimal models, we know there is a minimal model $(\Lambda V, d) \we A(K(\Z, n))$. By calculating the homotopy groups we see
$$ {V^i}^\ast = \pi^i(\Lambda V)^\ast = \pi_i(K(\Z, n)) \tensor \Q = \begin{cases}
\Q, &\text{ if } i = n \\
0, &\text{ otherwise.}
\end{cases} $$
This means that $V$ is concentrated in degree $n$ and that the differential is trivial. Take a generator $x$ of degree $n$ such that $V = \Q \cdot x$ and conclude that the cohomology of the minimal model, and hence the rational cohomology of $K(\Z, n)$, is $H(\Lambda V, 0) = \Q[x]$.
% page 142 and 248
Let $X$ and $Y$ be two $1$-connected spaces, we will determine the minimal model for $X \times Y$. We have the two projections maps $X \times Y \tot{\pi_X} X$ and $X \times Y \tot{\pi_Y} Y$ which induces maps of cdga's: $A(X) \tot{{\pi_X}_\ast} A(X \times Y)$ and $A(Y) \tot{{\pi_Y}_\ast} A(X \times Y)$. Because we are working with commutative algebras, we can multiply the two maps to obtain:
$$ \mu: A(X) \tensor A(Y) \tot{{\pi_X}_\ast \cdot {\pi_Y}_\ast} A(X \times Y). $$
This is different from the singular cochain complex where the Eilenberg-Zilber map is needed. However by passing to cohomology the multiplication is identified with the cup product. Hence, by applying the Künneth theorem, we see that $\mu$ is a weak equivalence.
Now if $M_X = (\Lambda V, d_X)$ and $M_Y = (\Lambda W, d_Y)$ are the minimal models for $A(X)$ and $A(Y)$, we see that $M_X \tensor M_Y \we A(X) \tensor A(Y)$ is a weak equivalence (again by the Künneth theorem). Furthermore $M_X \tensor M_Y = (\Lambda V \tensor \Lambda W, d_X \tensor d_Y)$ is itself minimal, with $V \oplus W$ as generating space. As a direct consequence we see that
\pi_i(X \times Y) \tensor \Q &\iso \pi^i(M_X \tensor M_Y)^\ast \\
&\iso {V^i}^\ast \oplus {W^i}^\ast \iso \pi_i(X) \oplus \pi_i(Y),
which of course also follows from the classical result that ordinary homotopy groups already commute with products \cite{may}.
Going from cdga's to spaces is easier. Since $K$ is a right adjoint from $\opCat{\CDGA}$ to $\sSet$ it preserves products. For two (possibly minimal) cdga's $A$ and $B$, this means:
$$ K(A \tensor B) \iso K(A) \times K(B). $$
Since the geometric realization of simplicial sets also preserve products, we get
$$ |K(A \tensor B)| \iso |K(A)| \times |K(B)|. $$
% page 143, Hopf
In this section we will prove that the rational cohomology of an H-space is free as commutative graded algebra. We will also give its minimal model and relate it to the homotopy groups. In some sense H-spaces are homotopy generalizations of topological monoids. In particular topological groups (and hence Lie groups) are H-spaces.
An \Def{H-space} is a pointed topological space $x_0 \in X$ with a map $\mu: X \times X \to X$, such that $\mu(x_0, -), \mu(-, x_0) : X \to X$ are homotopic to $\id_X$.
Let $X$ be an $0$-connected H-space of finite type, then we have the induced comultiplication map $\mu^\ast: H^\ast(X; \Q) \to H^\ast(X; \Q) \tensor H^\ast(X; \Q)$.
Homotopic maps are sent to equal maps in cohomology, so we get $H^\ast(\mu(x_0, -)) = \id_{H^\ast(X; \Q)}$. Now write $H^\ast(\mu(x_0, -)) = (\counit \tensor \id) \circ H^\ast(\mu)$, where $\counit$ is the augmentation induced by $x_0$, to conclude that for any $h \in H^{+}(X; \Q)$ the image is of the form
$$ H^\ast(\mu)(h) = h \tensor 1 + 1 \tensor h + \psi, $$
for some element $\psi \in H^{+}(X; \Q) \tensor H^{+}(X; \Q)$. This means that the comultiplication is counital.
Choose a subspace $V$ of $H^+(X; \Q)$ such that $H^+(X; \Q) = V \oplus H^+(X; \Q) \cdot H^+(X; \Q)$. In particular we get $V^1 = H^1(X; \Q)$ and $H^2(X; \Q) = V^2 \oplus H^1(X; \Q) \cdot H^1(X; \Q)$. Continuing with induction we see that the induced map $\phi : \Lambda V \to H^\ast(X; \Q)$ is surjective. One can prove (by induction on the degree and using the counitality) that the elements in $V$ are primitive, i.e. $\mu^\ast(v) = 1 \tensor v + v \tensor 1$ for all $v \in V$. The free algebra also admits a comultiplication, by requiring that the generators are the primitive elements. It follows that the following diagram commutes:
\[ \xymatrix{
\Lambda V \ar[r]^\phi \ar[d]^\Delta & H^\ast(X; \Q) \ar[d]^{\mu^\ast} \\
\Lambda V \tensor \Lambda V \ar[r]^{\phi\tensor\phi} & H^\ast(X; \Q) \tensor H^\ast(X; \Q) \\
} \]
We will now prove that $\phi$ is also injective. Suppose by induction that $\phi$ is injective on $\Lambda V^{<n}$. An element $w \in \Lambda V^{\leq n}$ can be written as $\sum_{k_1, \ldots, k_r} v_1^{k_1} \cdots v_r^{k_r} a_{k_1 \cdots k_r}$, where $\{v_1, \ldots, v_r\}$ is a basis for $V^n$ and $a_{k_1 \cdots k_r} \in \Lambda V^{<n}$. Assume $\phi(w) = 0$. Let $\pi : H^\ast(X; \Q) \to H^\ast(X; \Q) / \phi(\Lambda V^{<n})$ is the (linear) projection map. Now consider the image of $(\pi \tensor \id) \mu^\ast (\phi(w)$ in the component $\im(\pi)^n \tensor H^\ast(X; \Q)$, it can be written as (here we use the above commuting square):
\[ \sum_i ( \pm \pi(v_i) \tensor \phi(\sum_{k_1, \ldots, k_r} k_i v_1^{k_1} \cdots v_i^{k_i - 1} \cdots v_r^{k_r}a_{k_1 \cdots k_r}) \]
As $\phi(w) = 0$ and the elements $\pi(v_i)$ are linearly independent, we see that $\phi(\sum_{k_1, \ldots, k_r} k_i v_1^{k_1} \cdots v_i^{k_i - 1} \cdots v_r^{k_r}a_{k_1 \cdots k_r}) = 0$ for all $i$. By induction on the degree of $w$ (the base case being $\deg{w} = n$ is trivial), we conclude that
\[ \sum_{k_1, \ldots, k_r} k_i v_1^{k_1} \cdots v_i^{k_i - 1} \cdots v_r^{k_r}a_{k_1 \cdots k_r} = 0 \text{ for all } i\]
This means that either all $k_i = 0$, in which case $w \in \Lambda V^{<n}$ and so $w = 0$ by induction, or all $a_{k_1, \ldots, k_r} = 0$, in which case we have $w = 0$. This proves that $\phi$ is injective.
We have proven that $\phi : \Lambda V \to H^\ast(H; \Q)$ is an isomorphism. So the cohomology of an H-space is free as cga. Now we can choose cocycles in $A(X)$ which represent the cohomology classes. More precisely for $v_i^{(n)} \in V^n$ we choose $w_i^{(n)} \in A(X)^n$ representing it. This defines a map, which sends $v_i^{(n)}$ to $w_i^{(n)}$. Since $w_i^{(n)}$ are cocycles, this is a map of cdga's:
\[ m : (\Lambda V, 0) \to A(X) \]
Now by the calculation above, this is a weak equivalence. Furthermore $(\Lambda V, 0)$ is minimal. We have proven the following lemma:
Let $X$ be a $0$-connected H-space of finite type. Then its minimal model is of the form $(\Lambda V, 0)$. In particular we see:
\[ H(X; \Q) = \Lambda V \qquad \pi_\ast(X) \tensor \Q = V^\ast \]
This allows us to directly relate the rational homotopy groups to the cohomology groups. Since the rational cohomology of the sphere $S^n$ is not free (as algebra) when $n$ is even we get the following.
The spheres $S^n$ are not H-spaces if $n$ is even.
In fact we have that $S^n_\Q$ is an H-space if and only if $n$ is odd. The only if part is precisely the corollary above, the if part follows from the fact that $S^n_\Q$ is the loop space $K(\Q^\ast, n)$ for odd $n$.


@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
\Chapter{Further topics}{Topics}
\section{Localizations at primes and the arithmetic square}
In \ChapterRef{Serre} we proved some results by Serre to relate homotopy groups and homology groups modulo a class of abelian groups. Now the class of $p$-torsion groups and the class of $p$-divisible groups are also Serre classes. This suggests that we can also ``localize homotopy theory at primes''. Indeed the construction in section \ChapterRef{Rationalization} can be altered to give a $p$-localization $X_p$ of a space $X$. Recall that for the rationalization we constructed a telescope with a sphere for each $k > 0$. For the $p$-localization we only add a copy of the sphere for $k > 0$ relative prime to $p$.
Now that we have a bunch of localizations $X_\Q, X_2, X_3, X_5, \ldots$ we might wonder what homotopical information of $X$ we can recover from these localizations. In other words: can we go from local to global? The answer is yes in the following sense. Details can be found in \cite{may2} and \cite{sullivan}.
Let $X$ be a space, then $X$ is the homotopy pullback in
\[ \xymatrix{
X \ar[r] \ar[d] & \prod_{p\text{ prime}} X_p \ar[d] \\
X_\Q \ar[r] & (\prod_{p\text{ prime}} X_p)_\Q
This theorem is known as \emph{the arithmetic square}, \emph{fracture theorem} or \emph{local-to-global theorem}.
As an example we find that if $X$ is an H-space, then so are its localizations. The converse also holds when certain compatibility requirements are satisfied \cite{sullivan}. In the previous section we were able to prove that $S^n_\Q$ is an H-space if and only if $n$ is odd. It turns out that the prime $p=2$ brings the key to Adams' theorem: for odd $n$ we have that $S^n_2$ is an H-space if and only if $n=1, 3$ or $7$. For the other primes $S^n_p$ is always an H-space for odd $n$. This observation leads to one approach to prove Adams' theorem.
\section{Quillen's approach to rational homotopy theory}
In this thesis we used Sullivan's approach to give algebraic models for rational spaces. However, Sullivan was not the first to give algebraic models. Quillen gave a dual approach in \cite{quillen}. By a long chain of homotopy equivalences his main result is
\Ho(\Top_{1, \Q}) &\iso \Ho(\text{dg \emph{Lie} algebras}_{0, \Q}) \\
&\iso \Ho(\text{cdg \emph{co}algebras}_{1, \Q})
The first category is the one of differential graded Lie algebras over $\Q$ and the second is cocommutative (coassociative) differential graded coalgebras. Quillen's approach does not need the finite dimensionality assumptions and is hence more general.
Minimal models in these categories also exist, as shown in \cite{neisendorfer}. They are defined analogously, we require the object to be cofibrant (or fibrant in the coalgebra case) and that the differential is zero in the chain complex of indecomposables. Of course the meaning of indecomposable depends on the category.
Despite the generality of Quillen's approach, the author of this thesis \todo{ok?} prefers the approach by Sullivan as it provides a single, elegant functor $A: \sSet \to \CDGA$. Moreover cdga's are easier to manipulate, as commutative ring theory is a more basic subject than Lie algebras or coalgebras.
In many locations in this thesis we assumed simply connectedness of objects (both spaces an cdga's). The assumption was often use to prove the base case of some inductive argument. In \cite{bousfield} the main equivalence is proven for so called nilpotent spaces (which is more general than $1$-connected spaces).
In short, a nilpotent group is a group which is constructed by finitely many extensions of abelian groups. A space is called nilpotent if its fundamental group is nilpotent and the action of $\pi_1$ on $\pi_n$ satisfies a related requirement.
Now the base cases in our proofs become more complicated, as we need another inductive argument (on these extensions of abelian groups) in the base case.
\todo{note $\Q$-completion?}


@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
\chapter{Minimal models}
\Chapter{Minimal models}{MinimalModels}
In this section we will discuss the so called minimal models. These cdga's enjoy the property that we can easily prove properties inductively. Moreover it will turn out that weakly equivalent minimal models are actually isomorphic.
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ It is clear that induction will be an important technique when proving things ab
This finished the construction of $V$ and $m : \Lambda V \to A$. Now we will prove that $H(m)$ is an isomorphism. We will do so by proving surjectivity and injectivity by induction on $k$.
Start by noting that $H^i(m_2)$ is jurjective for $i \leq 2$. now assume $H^i(m_k)$ is surjective for $i \leq k$. Since $\im H(m_k) \subset \im H(m_{k+1})$ we see that $H^i(m_{k+1})$ is surjective for $i < k+1$. By construction it is also surjective in degree $k+1$. So $H^i(m_k)$ is surjective for all $i \leq k$ for all $k$.
Start by noting that $H^i(m_2)$ is corrective for $i \leq 2$. now assume $H^i(m_k)$ is surjective for $i \leq k$. Since $\im H(m_k) \subset \im H(m_{k+1})$ we see that $H^i(m_{k+1})$ is surjective for $i < k+1$. By construction it is also surjective in degree $k+1$. So $H^i(m_k)$ is surjective for all $i \leq k$ for all $k$.
For injectivity we note that $H^i(m_2)$ is injective for $i \leq 3$, since $\Lambda V^{\leq 2}$ has no elements of degree $3$. Assume $H^i(m_k)$ is injective for $i \leq k+1$ and let $[z] \in \ker H^i(m_{k+1})$. Now if $\deg{z} \leq k$ we get $[z] = 0$ by induction and if $\deg{z} = k+2$ we get $[z] = 0$ by construction. Finally if $\deg{z} = k+1$, then we write $z = \sum \lambda_\alpha v_\alpha + \sum \lambda'_\beta v'_\beta + w$ where $v_\alpha, v'_\beta$ are the generators as above and $w \in \Lambda V^{\leq k}$. Now $d z = 0$ and so $\sum \lambda'_\beta v'_\beta + dw = 0$, so that $\sum \lambda'_\beta [z_\beta] = 0$. Since $\{ [z_\beta] \}$ was a basis, we see that $\lambda'_\beta = 0$ for all $\beta$. Now by applying $m_k$ we get $\sum \lambda_\alpha [b_\alpha] = H(m_k)[w]$, so that $\sum \lambda_\alpha [a_\alpha] = 0$ in the cokernel, recall that $\{ [a_\alpha] \}$ formed a basis and hence $\lambda_\alpha = 0$ for all $\alpha$. Now $z = w$ and the statement follows by induction. Conclude that $H^i(m_{k+1})$ is injective for $i \leq k+2$.
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ It is clear that induction will be an important technique when proving things ab
The above construction will construct a $r$-reduced minimal model for an $r$-connected cdga $A$.
Moreover if $H(A)$ is finite dimensional in each dimension, then so is the minimal model $\Lambda V$. This follows inductively. First notive that $V^2$ is clearly finite dimensional. Now assume that $\Lambda V^{<k}$ is finite dimension in each degree, then both the cokernel and kernel are, so we adjoin only finitely many elements in $V^k$.
Moreover if $H(A)$ is finite dimensional in each dimension, then so is the minimal model $\Lambda V$. This follows inductively. First notice that $V^2$ is clearly finite dimensional. Now assume that $\Lambda V^{<k}$ is finite dimension in each degree, then both the cokernel and kernel are, so we adjoin only finitely many elements in $V^k$.


@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ Next we will prove the factorization property [MC5]. We will prove one part dire
[MC5a] A map $f: A \to X$ can be factorized as $f = pi$ where $i$ is a trivial cofibration and $p$ a fibration.
Consider the free cdga $C = \bigtensor_{x \in X} T(\deg{x})$. There is an obvious surjective map $p: C \to X$ which sends a generator correspondig to $x$ to $x$. Now define maps $\phi$ and $\psi$ in
Consider the free cdga $C = \bigtensor_{x \in X} T(\deg{x})$. There is an obvious surjective map $p: C \to X$ which sends a generator corresponding to $x$ to $x$. Now define maps $\phi$ and $\psi$ in
\[ A \tot{\phi} A \tensor C \tot{\psi} X\]
by $\phi(a) = a \tensor 1$ and $\psi(a \tensor c) = f(a) \cdot p(c)$. Now $\psi$ is clearly surjective (as $p$ is) and $\phi$ is clearly a weak equivalence (by the Künneth theorem). Furthermore $\phi$ is a cofibration as we can construct lifts using the freeness of $C$.


@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
In this section we will prove the existence of rationalizations $X \to X_\Q$. We will do this in a cellular way. The $n$-spheres play an important role here, so their rationalizations will be discussed first. In this section $1$-connectedness of spaces will play an important role.
@ -18,7 +17,7 @@ We start the construction with $S^n(1) = S^n$. Now assume $S^n(r) = \bigvee_{i=1
} \]
So that $S^n(r+1) = \bigvee_{i=1}^{r+1} S^n \cup_{h(r+1)} \coprod_{i=1}^{r} D^{n+1}$. To finish the construction we define $S^n_\Q = \colim_{r} S^n(r)$.
We note two things here. First, at any stage, the inclusion $i : S^n \to S^n(r)$ into the $r$th sphere is a weak equivalence, as we can collapse the (finite) telescope to the last sphere. This identifies $\pi_n(S^n(r)) = \Z$ for all $r$. Secondly, if $i_r: S^n \to S^n(r+1)$ is the inclusion of the $r$th sphere and $i_{r+1} : S^n \to S^n(r+1)$ the inclusion of the last sphere, then $[i_r] = (r+1)[i_{r+1}] \in \pi^n(S^n(r+1))$, by construction. This means that we can divide $[i_r]$ by $r+1$. Note that the inclusion $S^n(r) \to S^n(r+1)$ induces a multiplication by $r+1$ under the identification $\pi^n(S^n(r)) = \Z$ for all $r$.
We note two things here. First, at any stage, the inclusion $i : S^n \to S^n(r)$ into the $r$th sphere is a weak equivalence, as we can collapse the (finite) telescope to the last sphere. This identifies $\pi_n(S^n(r)) = \Z$ for all $r$. Secondly, if $i_r: S^n \to S^n(r+1)$ is the inclusion of the $r$th sphere and $i_{r+1} : S^n \to S^n(r+1)$ the inclusion of the last sphere, then $[i_r] = (r+1)[i_{r+1}] \in \pi^n(S^n(r+1))$, by construction. This means that we can divide $[i_r]$ by $r+1$. This shows that the inclusion $S^n(r) \to S^n(r+1)$ induces a multiplication by $r+1$ under the identification $\pi^n(S^n(r)) = \Z$ for all $r$.
The $n$th homotopy group of $S^n_\Q$ can be calculated as follows. We use the fact that the homotopy groups commute with filtered colimits \cite[9.4]{may} to compute $\pi_n(S^n_\Q)$ as the colimit of the terms $\pi_n(S^n(r)) \iso \Z$ and the induced maps as depicted in the following diagram:
\[ \xymatrix{ \Z \ar[r]^-{\times 2} & \Z \ar[r]^-{\times 3} & \Z \ar[r]^-{\times 4} & \Z \ar@{-->}[rr] & & \Q } \]
@ -80,7 +79,7 @@ Having rational cells we wish to replace the cells in a CW complex $X$ by the ra
Any simply connected CW complex admits a rationalization.
Let $X$ be a CW complex. We will define $X_\Q$ with induction on the dimension of the cells. Since $X$ is simply connected we can start with $X^0_\Q = X^1_\Q = \ast$. Now assume that the rationalization $X^k \tot{\phi^k} X^k_\Q$ is already defined. Let $A$ be the set of $k+1$-cells and $f_\alpha : S^k \to X^{k+1}$ be the attaching maps. Then by \LemmaRef{SnQ-extension} these extend to $g_\alpha = (\phi^k \circ f_\alpha)' : S^k_\Q \to X^k_\Q$. This defines $X^{k+1}_\Q$ as the pushout in the following diagram.
Let $X$ be a CW complex. We will define $X_\Q$ with induction on the skeleton. Since $X$ is simply connected we can start with $X^0_\Q = X^1_\Q = \ast$. Now assume that the rationalization $X^k \tot{\phi^k} X^k_\Q$ is already defined. Let $A$ be the set of $k+1$-cells and $f_\alpha : S^k \to X^{k+1}$ be the attaching maps. Then by \LemmaRef{SnQ-extension} these extend to $g_\alpha = (\phi^k \circ f_\alpha)' : S^k_\Q \to X^k_\Q$. This defines $X^{k+1}_\Q$ as the pushout in the following diagram.


@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ Serre gave weaker axioms for his classes and proves some of the following lemmas
We give three Serre classes without proof.
\item The class $\C = \{ 0 \}$. With this class the following Hurewicz and Whitehead theorem will simply be the classical statements.
\item The class $\C = \{ 0 \}$. With this class the following Hurewicz and Whitehead theorem will just restate be the classical theorems.
\item The class $\C$ of all torsion groups. Using this class we can prove the rational version of the Hurewicz and Whitehead theorems.
\item The class $\C$ of all uniquely divisible groups. Note that these groups can be given a unique $\Q$-vector space structure (and conversely every $\Q$-vector space is uniquely divisible).
\todo{refer to Moerdijk? for $H(\Z_p) =$ torsion.}
As noted by Hilton in \cite{hilton} we think of Serre classes as a generalized 0. This means that we can also express some kind of generalized injective and surjectivity. Here we only need the notion of a $\C$-isomorphism:
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ As noted by Hilton in \cite{hilton} we think of Serre classes as a generalized 0
Note that the maps $0 \to C$ and $C \to 0$ are $\C$-isomorphisms for any $C \in \C$. More importantly the 5-lemma also holds for $\C$-isos and we have the 2-out-of-3 property: whenever $f$, $g$ and $g \circ f$ are maps such that two of them are $\C$-iso, then so is the third.
In the following arguments we will consider fibrations and need to compute homology thereof. Unfortunately there is no long exact sequence for homology of a fibration, however the following lemma expresses something similar. It is usually proven with spectral sequences, \cite[Ch. 2 Thm 1]{serre}. However in \cite{kreck} we find a more geometric proof.
In the following arguments we will consider fibrations and need to compute homology thereof. Unfortunately there is no long exact sequence for homology of a fibration, however the following lemma expresses something similar. It is usually proven with spectral sequences, \cite[Ch. 2 Thm 1]{serre}. However in \cite{kreck} we find a more geometric proof for rational coefficients, which we generalize here to Serre classes.
Let $\C$ be a Serre class and $p: E \fib B$ be a fibration between $0$-connected spaces with a $0$-connected fiber $F$. If $\RH_i(F) \in \C$ for all $i < n$ and $B$ is $m$-connected, then
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ In the following arguments we will consider fibrations and need to compute homol
The morphism in the middle is a $\C$-iso by induction. We will prove that the left morphism is a $\C$-iso which implies by the five lemma that the right morphism is one as well.
As we are working with relative homology $H_{i+1}(E^{k+1}, E^k)$, we only have to consider the interiors of the $k+1$-cells (by excision). Each interior of a $k+1$-cell is a product, as $p$ was a fiber bundle. So we note that we have an isomorphism:
As we are working with relative homology $H_{i+1}(E^{k+1}, E^k)$, we only have to consider the interiors of the $k+1$-cells (by excision). Each interior of a $k+1$-cell is a product, as $p$ is a fiber bundle. So we note that we have an isomorphism:
$$ H_{i+1}(E^{k+1}, E^k) \iso H_{i+1}(\coprod_\alpha D^{k+1}_\alpha \times F, \coprod_\alpha S^k_\alpha \times F). $$
Now we can apply the Künneth theorem for this product to obtain a natural short exact sequence, furthermore we apply the Künneth theorem for $(B^{k+1}, B^k) \times \ast$ to obtain a second short exact sequence as follows.
\[ \scriptsize \xymatrix @C=0.4cm {
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ In the following arguments we will consider fibrations and need to compute homol
Now it remains to show that $p'$ and $p''$ are $\C$-iso, as it will then follow from the five lemma that $p_\ast$ is a $\C$-iso.
First note that $p'$ is surjective as it is an isomorphism on the subspace $H_{i+1}(B^{k+1}, B^k) \tensor H_0(F)$. Its kernel on the other hand is precisely given by the terms $H_{i+1-q}(B^{k+1}, B^k) \tensor H_q(F)$ for $q>0$. By assumption we have $H_q(F) \in \C$ for all $0 < q < n$ and $H_{i+1}(B^{k+1}, B^k) = 0$ for all $i+1 \leq m$. By the tensor property of a Serre class the kernel is in $\C$ for all $i < n+m$. So indeed $p'$ is a $\C$-iso for all $i < n+m$.
First note that $p'$ is surjective as it is an isomorphism on the subspace $H_{i+1}(B^{k+1}, B^k) \tensor H_0(F)$. Its kernel on the other hand is precisely given by the terms $H_{i+1-q}(B^{k+1}, B^k) \tensor H_q(F)$ for $q>0$. By assumption we have $H_q(F) \in \C$ for all $0 < q < n$ and $H_{i+1}(B^{k+1}, B^k) = 0$ for all $i+1 \leq m$. By the tensor axiom of a Serre class the kernel is in $\C$ for all $i < n+m$. So indeed $p'$ is a $\C$-iso for all $i < n+m$.
For $p''$ a similar reasoning holds, it is clearly surjective and we only need to prove that the kernel of $p''$ (which is the Tor group itself) is in $\C$. First notice that $\Tor(H_i(B^{k+1}, B^k), H_0(F)) = 0$ as $H_0(F) \iso \Z$. Then consider the other terms of the graded Tor group. Again we use the assumed bounds to conclude that the Tor group is in $\C$ for $i \leq n+m$. So indeed $p''$ is a $\C$-iso for all $i \leq n+m$.
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ In the following arguments we will consider fibrations and need to compute homol
Let $\C$ be a Serre class and $G \in \C$. Then for all $n > 0$ and all $i > 0$ we have $H_i(K(G, n)) \in \C$.
We prove this by induction on $n$. The base case $n = 1$ follows from group homology as the construction of $K(G, 1)$ can be used to obtain a projective resolution of $\Z$ as $\Z[G]$-module \todo{reference}. This then identifies the homology of the Eilenberg-MacLane space with the group homology which is in $\C$ by the axioms:
We prove this by induction on $n$. The base case $n = 1$ follows from group homology as the construction \todo{which?} of $K(G, 1)$ can be used to obtain a projective resolution of $\Z$ as $\Z[G]$-module \todo{reference}. This then identifies the homology of the Eilenberg-MacLane space with the group homology which is in $\C$ by the axioms:
$$ H_i(K(G, 1); \Z) \iso H_i(G; \Z) \in \C. $$
Suppose we have proven the statement for $n$. If we consider the case of $n+1$ we can use the path fibration to relate it to the case of $n$:
@ -196,6 +196,8 @@ Combining this lemma and \TheoremRef{serre-hurewicz} we get the following coroll
$$ \pi_i(X) \tensor \Q \tot{\iso} H_i(X; \Q) $$
\todo{$\pi$ is $\Q$ local iff $H$ is}
\TheoremRef{serre-whitehead} also applies verbatim to rational homotopy theory. However we would like to avoid the assumption that $\pi_2(f)$ is surjective. In \cite{felix} we find a way to work around this.
@ -204,19 +206,19 @@ Combining this lemma and \TheoremRef{serre-hurewicz} we get the following coroll
Then $f$ is a rational equivalence $\iff$ $H_\ast(f; \Q)$ is an isomorphism.
We will replace $f$ by some $f_1$ which is surjective on $\pi_2$. First consider $\Gamma = \pi_2(Y) / \im(\pi_2(f))$ and its Eilenberg-MacLane space $K = K(\Gamma, 2)$. There is a map $q : Y \to K$ inducing the projection map $\pi_2(q) : \pi_2(Y) \to \Gamma$.
We will replace $f$ by some map $f_1$ which is surjective on $\pi_2$. First consider $\Gamma = \pi_2(Y) / \im(\pi_2(f))$ and its Eilenberg-MacLane space $K = K(\Gamma, 2)$. There is a map $q : Y \to K$ inducing the projection map $\pi_2(q) : \pi_2(Y) \to \Gamma$.
We can factor $q$ as
\[\xymatrix @=0.4cm{
Y \arwe[rr]^-\lambda \ar[dr]_-q & & Y \times_K MK \arfib[dl]^-{\overline{q}} \\
& K &
} \]
Now $\overline{q} \lambda f$ is homotopic to the constant map, so there is a homotopy $h: \overline{q} \lambda f \eq \ast$ which we can lift against the fibration $\overline{q}$ to $h' : \lambda f \eq f_1$ with $\overline{q} f_1 = \ast$. In other words $f_1$ lands in the fiber of $\overline{q}$.
} \]\todo{$MK =$?}
Now $\overline{q} \lambda f$ is homotopic to the constant map, so there is a homotopy $h: \overline{q} \lambda f \eq \ast$ which we can lift against the fibration $\overline{q}$ to a homotopy $h' : \lambda f \eq f_1$ with $\overline{q} f_1 = \ast$. In other words $f_1$ lands in the fiber of $\overline{q}$.
We get a commuting square when applying $\pi_2$:
\[ \xymatrix{
\pi_2(X) \ar[r]^-{\pi_2(f_1)} \ar[d]^{\pi_2(f)} & \pi_2(Y \times_K PK) \ar[d]^{\pi_2(i)} \\
\pi_2(Y) \ar[r]^-{\iso} & \pi_2(Y \times_K MK)
} \]
The important observation is that by the long exact sequence $\pi_\ast(i) \tensor \Q$ and $H_\ast(i; \Q)$ are isomorphisms (here we use that $\Gamma \tensor \Q = 0$ and that tensoring with $\Q$ is exact). So by the above square $\pi_\ast(f_1) \tensor \Q$ is an isomorphism if and only if $\pi_\ast(f) \tensor \Q$ is (and similarly for homology). Finally we note that $\pi_2(f_1)$ is surjective, so \TheoremRef{serre-whitehead} applies and the result also holds for $f$.
The important observation is that by the long exact sequence $\pi_\ast(i) \tensor \Q$ and $H_\ast(i; \Q)$ are isomorphisms (here we use that $\Gamma \tensor \Q = 0$ and that tensoring with $\Q$ is exact). So by the above square $\pi_\ast(f_1) \tensor \Q$ is an isomorphism if and only if $\pi_\ast(f) \tensor \Q$ is (and similarly for homology). Finally we note that $\pi_2(f_1)$ is surjective\todo{?}, so \TheoremRef{serre-whitehead} applies and the result also holds for $f$.


@ -17,7 +17,27 @@
\color{Maroon}\spacedallcaps{\Large Rational Homotopy Theory} \\ \bigskip
Joshua Moerman\\
January 2015
Radboud University Nijmegen\\
Supervisor: Ieke Moerdijk