diff --git a/presentation/Rational_Homotopy_Theory.tex b/presentation/Rational_Homotopy_Theory.tex index da2ffff..6a1c7b1 100644 --- a/presentation/Rational_Homotopy_Theory.tex +++ b/presentation/Rational_Homotopy_Theory.tex @@ -162,10 +162,10 @@ \Frame{Dictionary}{ \Dict{ - $S^n$ with $n$ odd + $S^n_\Q$ with $n$ odd & $\Lambda(e)$ with $\deg{e} = n$ \\[1em] - $S^n$ with $n$ even + $S^n_\Q$ with $n$ even & $\Lambda(e, f)$ with $\deg{e} = n$, $\deg{f} = 2n-1$ and $d f = e^2$ \\[1em] Eilenberg-MacLane space $K(\Q, n)$ @@ -175,12 +175,49 @@ \Frame{Dictionary}{ \Dict{ + weak equivalence $$\pi_n(f): \pi_n(X) \iso \pi_n(Y)$$ + & weak equivalence $$H(f): H(X) \iso H(Y)$$ \\[1em] + homotopy $$h: X \times I \to Y$$ - & homotopy $$h: A \to B \tensor \Lambda(t, dt)$$ \\[1em] + & homotopy $$h: A \to B \tensor \Lambda(t, dt)$$ + } +} - weak equivalence $$\pi_n(f): \pi_n(X) \iso \pi_n(Y)$$ - & weak equivalence if $$H(f): H(X) \iso H(Y)$$ +\Frame{Dictionary}{ + \Dict{ + $$ \pi_n(X) = [S^n, X] $$ + & {\begin{align*} + \pi^n(A) &= H(Q(A)) \\ + \pi^n(A)^\ast &\iso [A, \Lambda(e)] \\ + &\text{or } [A, \Lambda(e, f)] + \end{align*}} \\[1em] + + Long exact sequence of a fibration + & Long exact sequence of a cofibration \\[1em] } } +\Frame{Dictionary}{ + \bf topological $n$-simplex + \[ \Delta^n = \left\{ (x_0, \ldots, x_n) \in \R^{n+1} \,|\, \sum x_i = 1, x_i \geq 0 \right\} \] + + \bigskip + \bf cdga $n$-simplex + \[ \Delta_n = \frac{\Lambda(x_0, \ldots x_n, dx_0, \ldots, dx_n)}{\langle \sum x_i - 1, \sum dx_i \rangle} \] +} + +\Frame{Construction}{ + \begin{center} + \begin{tikzcd}[column sep=huge, row sep=huge, ampersand replacement=\&] + \DELTA \arrow[d, "y"] \arrow[rd, "\Delta_{(-)}"] \& \\ + \sSet \arrow[r, dashed, shift left = 1ex, "A"] \& \opCat{\CDGA_\Q} \arrow[l, dashed, shift left = 1ex] + \end{tikzcd} + \end{center} + + \bigskip + \pause + \[ A(X) = \Hom_\sSet(X, \Delta_{(-)}) \] +} + + \end{document} diff --git a/presentation/preamble.tex b/presentation/preamble.tex index 6c37f48..eeeb57f 100644 --- a/presentation/preamble.tex +++ b/presentation/preamble.tex @@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ % fancy diagrams \usepackage{tikz} +\usepackage{tikz-cd} \usetikzlibrary{matrix, arrows, decorations} \tikzset{node distance=2.5em, row sep=2.2em, column sep=2.7em, auto}