A sky roads like game with interesting shaders
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// myGL.h
// SkyRoads
// Created by Joshua Moerman on 12/22/12.
// Copyright (c) 2012 Vadovas. All rights reserved.
#ifndef SkyRoads_myGL_h
#define SkyRoads_myGL_h
#import <GLKit/GLKit.h>
#include <array>
namespace gl {
typedef std::array<GLfloat, 7> Vertex;
typedef std::array<Vertex, 8> Quad; //degenerate
Vertex translate(Vertex v, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z){
v[0] += x;
v[1] += y;
v[2] += z;
return v;
Vertex scale(Vertex v, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z){
v[0] *= x;
v[1] *= y;
v[2] *= z;
return v;