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(set-option :produce-proofs true)
(declare-datatypes () ((Box (mk-box (fst Real) (snd Real) (trd Real)))))
; Valid interval = (1/2, 1)
(define-fun valint ((x Real)) Bool
(and (< 0.5 x) (< x 1)))
; Valid box
(define-fun valbox ((x Box)) Bool
(and (valint (fst x))
(valint (snd x))
(valint (trd x))))
(define-fun fits1 ((x1 Real) (x2 Real) (x3 Real) (y1 Real) (y2 Real) (y3 Real)) Bool
(and (< x1 y1) (< x2 y2) (< x3 y3)))
(define-fun fits2 ((x1 Real) (x2 Real) (x3 Real) (y1 Real) (y2 Real) (y3 Real)) Bool
(fits1 x1 x2 x3 y1 y2 y3)
(fits1 x1 x2 x3 y1 y3 y2)
(fits1 x1 x2 x3 y2 y1 y3)
(fits1 x1 x2 x3 y2 y3 y1)
(fits1 x1 x2 x3 y3 y1 y2)
(fits1 x1 x2 x3 y3 y2 y1)))
; Box x fits inside box y
(define-fun fits ((x Box) (y Box)) Bool
(fits2 (fst x) (snd x) (trd x) (fst y) (snd y) (trd y)))
; x and y do not fit in each other
(define-fun nfits ((x Box) (y Box)) Bool
(and (not (fits x y)) (not (fits y x))))
; nodes
(declare-datatypes () ((Dom A1 A2 A4 A7 A8 A11 A13 A14)))
; edges
(declare-fun rel (Dom Dom) Bool)
; transitive
(assert (forall ((x Dom) (y Dom) (z Dom)) (implies (and (rel x y) (rel y z)) (rel x z))))
; acyclic
(assert (forall ((x Dom) (y Dom)) (not (and (rel x y) (rel y x)))))
(assert (rel A1 A7))
(assert (rel A2 A7))
(assert (rel A4 A7))
(assert (not (rel A8 A7)))
(assert (rel A1 A11))
(assert (rel A2 A11))
(assert (not (rel A4 A11)))
(assert (rel A8 A11))
(assert (rel A1 A13))
(assert (not (rel A2 A13)))
(assert (rel A4 A13))
(assert (rel A8 A13))
(assert (not (rel A1 A14)))
(assert (rel A2 A14))
(assert (rel A4 A14))
(assert (rel A8 A14))
; check graph
; strong homomorphism to boxes
(declare-fun boxes (Dom) Box)
(assert (forall ((x Dom)) (valbox (boxes x))))
(assert (forall ((x Dom) (y Dom)) (implies (rel x y) (fits (boxes x) (boxes y)))))
(assert (forall ((x Dom) (y Dom)) (implies (fits (boxes x) (boxes y)) (rel x y))))
; Compute boxes
; (get-proof)