Strange attractors with OpenCL
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38 lines
983 B

#include "app.hpp"
#include <NSWrapper.hpp>
#include <memory>
using namespace std;
int main() {
NSAppWrapper app;
unique_ptr<App> a;
[&](ContextParameters ctxp){
a = make_unique<App>(ctxp.context);
[&](ContextParameters ctxp){
a->draw(ctxp.bind_framebuffer, ctxp.flush_drawable);
[&](ContextParameters, CGFloat w, CGFloat h){
a->resize(size_t(floor(w)), size_t(floor(h)));
{"s", 10.962073, 9, 13, [&](double x){ a->parameters[0] = x; }},
{"r", 31.211250, 30, 32, [&](double x){ a->parameters[1] = x; }},
{"b", 1.537946, 0.0001, 3, [&](double x){ a->parameters[2] = x; }},
{"dt", 0.013040, 0.0001, 0.03, [&](double x){ a->parameters[3] = x; }},
{"max", 20, 0.1, 250, [&](double x){ a->maxf = x*x; }},
{"gamma", 2, 0.1, 10, [&](double x){ a->gamma = x; }},
{"clear", 1, 0, 2, [&](double x){ a->clear = (x >= 1); }},