* AttractorKernel.cpp
* AwesomeAttractor
* Created by Joshua Moerman on 07-08-10.
* Copyright 2010 Rodo. All rights reserved.
#include "AttractorKernel.hpp"
#include "Logger.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark memory
AttractorKernel::AttractorKernel(const unsigned int dimension, const unsigned int numberOfParameters) :
numberOfParameters(numberOfParameters), dimension(dimension) {
try {
} catch(std::exception& e) {
LogError("Couldn't construct Attractorkernel: %s\n", e.what());
std::fill_n(parameters, numberOfParameters, 0.0);
std::fill_n(vectorNew, dimension, 0.0);
std::fill_n(vectorOld, dimension, 0.0);
AttractorKernel::~AttractorKernel() {
void AttractorKernel::allocate() {
parameters = new double[numberOfParameters];
vectorNew = new double[dimension];
vectorOld = new double[dimension];
void AttractorKernel::dealloc() {
delete[] vectorOld;
vectorOld = NULL;
delete[] vectorNew;
vectorNew = NULL;
delete[] parameters;
parameters = NULL;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark parameters
// NOTE: inlining these functions (with the keyword inline) improves performance by at most 1% (tested)
double& AttractorKernel::operator[](const unsigned int index) {
return parameters[index];
double const& AttractorKernel::operator[](const unsigned int index) const {
return parameters[index];
unsigned int AttractorKernel::getNumberOfParameters() const {
return numberOfParameters;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark vector
double const* AttractorKernel::vector() const {
return vectorNew;
double const* AttractorKernel::previousVector() const {
return vectorOld;
unsigned int AttractorKernel::getDimension() const {
return dimension;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark factory function
#include "kernels/Logistic.hpp"
#include "kernels/Lorenz3D.hpp"
#include "kernels/Polynomial.hpp"
#include "kernels/PolynomialA3D.hpp"
#include "kernels/Unravel3D.hpp"
AttractorKernel* AttractorKernel::createAttractorKernel(stfu::node& attractor) {
AttractorKernel* myAttractor = NULL;
// reading basic stuff
const std::string attractorType = attractor.getValue("type");
const std::string attractorDimension = attractor.getValue("dimensions");
// for ( unsigned int i = 0; attractorType[i] != '\0'; i++ ) {
// attractorType[i] = tolower(attractorType[i]);
// }
const unsigned int dimension = atoi(attractorDimension.c_str());
LogMoreInfo(" Formula: %s\n", attractorType.c_str());
LogMoreInfo(" Dimensions: %d\n", dimension);
// depending on type, make the formula object
if(attractorType == "lorenz") {
if(dimension == 3) {
myAttractor = new Lorenz3D();
} else {
LogError("something wrong\n");
} else if(attractorType == "polynomial") {
const std::string attractorOrde = attractor.getValue("orde");
const unsigned int orde = atoi(attractorOrde.c_str());
LogMoreInfo(" Orde: %d\n", orde);
myAttractor = new Polynomial(dimension, orde);
} else if(attractorType == "polynomial a") {
if(dimension == 3) {
myAttractor = new PolynomialA3D();
} else {
LogError("something wrong\n");
} else if(attractorType == "logistic") {
myAttractor = new Logistic(dimension);
} else if(attractorType == "unravel") {
if(dimension == 3) {
myAttractor = new Unravel3D();
} else {
LogError("something wrong\n");
} else {
LogError("'%s' not recognized\n", attractorType.c_str());
// read parameters
const unsigned int numberOfParameters = myAttractor->getNumberOfParameters();
if(attractor.children.find("parameters") != attractor.children.end())
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < numberOfParameters; i++) {
stfu::node attractorParameters = attractor.getChild("parameters");
(*myAttractor)[i] = atof(attractorParameters.getValue(i).c_str());
LogMoreInfo(" Parameter %d set to %f, ", i, (*myAttractor)[i]);
LogMoreInfo("\n Reading file complete\n");
return myAttractor;