#include "stfu/stf.hpp"
class AttractorKernel {
void allocate();
void dealloc();
// biggest type first, this will reduce sizeof(AttractorKernel)
// size is now 40 (when the unsigned int are in front, it was 48)
double* parameters;
double* vectorNew;
double* vectorOld;
unsigned int numberOfParameters;
unsigned int dimension;
// stuff used by subclasses
AttractorKernel(const unsigned int dimension, const unsigned int numberOfParameters);
// parameters are stored in a array of doubles
double& operator[](const unsigned int index);
double const& operator[](const unsigned int index) const;
unsigned int getNumberOfParameters() const;
// iterate his formula, implemented by subclasses
virtual void operator()() = 0;
// getter functions for teh resulta (can't be used as setters)
double const* vector() const;
double const* previousVector() const;
unsigned int getDimension() const;
// dtor, should be virtual for subclasses to be deleted
virtual ~AttractorKernel();
// factory function
static AttractorKernel* createAttractorKernel(stfu::node& attractorKernel);