Multi-user gravity beats for Sound of Science 2013 (server)
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#pragma once
#include "basics.h"
#include "adaptions.h"
#include "../simulation/Simulation.h"
#include "../simulation/Beat.h"
using Vec2 = math::Vec2;
using LineKind = simulation::LineKind;
using ball_info = int;
using line_info = int;
using ball_type = simulation::Ball<ball_info>;
using line_type = simulation::Line<line_info>;
using simu_type = simulation::Simulation<ball_info, line_info>;
using note_info = Vec2;
using note_type = Note<note_info>;
using beat_type = Beat<note_info>;
// Pretty unuseful in server
struct AbstractLine {
math::Vec2 starting_point;
math::Vec2 end_point;
int ID;
int line_kind;
static constexpr float hsize = 5.0f;
AbstractLine() = default;
AbstractLine(AbstractLine const&) = default;
AbstractLine& operator=(AbstractLine const&) = default;
AbstractLine(math::Vec2 starting_point, math::Vec2 end_point, int line_kind, int ID)
: starting_point(starting_point)
, end_point(end_point)
, ID(ID)
, line_kind(line_kind)
// create 6 lines, to emulate width, and rounded edges
std::vector<line_type> calculate_lines() const {
auto dir = normalize(end_point - starting_point);
auto normal = rotate_ccw(dir);
LineKind lk = static_cast<LineKind>(line_kind);
if(line_kind == simulation::kOneWay){
std::vector<line_type> ret;
ret.emplace_back(starting_point + hsize*normal, end_point + hsize*normal, lk, ID);
ret.emplace_back(end_point + hsize*normal, end_point + hsize*dir, lk, ID);
ret.emplace_back(end_point + hsize*dir, end_point - hsize*normal, lk, ID);
ret.emplace_back(end_point - hsize*normal, starting_point - hsize*normal, lk, ID);
ret.emplace_back(starting_point - hsize*normal, starting_point - hsize*dir, lk, ID);
ret.emplace_back(starting_point - hsize*dir, starting_point + hsize*normal, lk, ID);
return ret;
} else {
std::vector<line_type> ret;
ret.emplace_back(starting_point, end_point, lk, ID);
return ret;
(::math::Vec2, starting_point)
(::math::Vec2, end_point)
(int, ID)
(int, line_kind)
, IntVec2,
(int, x)
(int, y)
inline math::Vec2 to_FloatVec2(IntVec2 v){
return {static_cast<float>(v.x), static_cast<float>(v.y)};
struct cheap_ball_type {
IntVec2 position;
ball_info information;
cheap_ball_type() = default;
cheap_ball_type(ball_type const & b)
: position(b.position)
, information(b.information)
(IntVec2, position)
(ball_info, information)
struct cheap_line_type {
IntVec2 starting_point;
IntVec2 end_point;
int ID;
int line_kind;
cheap_line_type() = default;
cheap_line_type(AbstractLine const & l)
: starting_point(l.starting_point)
, end_point(l.end_point)
, ID(l.ID)
, line_kind(l.line_kind)
(IntVec2, starting_point)
(IntVec2, end_point)
(int, ID)
(int, line_kind)