jcmp: My image compression format (w/ wavelets)
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#pragma once
#include <functional>
namespace jcmp {
// Will quantize a double such that it fits in a uint8_t
// Also support non-linear quantization (which is usefull
// when the data is non-uniformly distributed)
namespace quantization {
// input in [0, 1], output [0, 255]
inline uint8_t clamp_round(double x){
if(x <= 0.0) return 0;
if(x >= 1.0) return 255;
return uint8_t(std::round(255.0*x));
// parameters which need to be stored in the file
// to be able to dequantize
// TODO: add type of quantization
struct parameters {
double f_max_abs;
double f_min_abs;
// the basic struct doing the quantization
struct base {
// f needs to be of type R+ -> R
// and F-inv should be its inverse
std::function<double(double)> f;
std::function<double(double)> f_inv;
parameters p;
uint8_t forwards(double x){
double y = std::abs(x);
y = (f(y) - p.f_min_abs) / (p.f_max_abs - p.f_min_abs);
if(x < 0) y = -y;
return clamp_round(0.5 * (y + 1.0));
double backwards(uint8_t x){
double y = 2.0 * x / 255.0 - 1.0;
y = (p.f_max_abs - p.f_min_abs) * y;
if(y < 0) return -f_inv(-y + p.f_min_abs);
return f_inv(y + p.f_min_abs);
// kinds of quantization which come out of the
// box with get(...)
enum class type {
// non-overloaded versions
inline double id(double x) { return x; }
inline double log(double x) { return std::log(x); }
inline double exp(double x) { return std::exp(x); }
inline double sqrt(double x) { return std::sqrt(x); }
inline double sqr(double x) { return x*x; }
base get(type t, double max_abs, double min_abs, bool apply = true){
base b;
switch (t) {
case type::linear:
b.f = &id;
b.f_inv = &id;
case type::logarithmic:
b.f = &log;
b.f_inv = &exp;
case type::square_root:
b.f = &sqrt;
b.f_inv = &sqr;
b.p.f_max_abs = b.f(max_abs);
b.p.f_min_abs = b.f(min_abs);
} else {
b.p.f_max_abs = max_abs;
b.p.f_min_abs = min_abs;
return b;
static_assert(sizeof(parameters) == 16, "struct not propery packed");