Master thesis on Rational Homotopy Theory
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28 lines
826 B

.PHONY: thesis fast images dirs
# We don want to pollute the root dir, so we use a build dir
thesis: dirs
10 years ago
xelatex -file-line-error -output-directory=build thesis.tex
cd build; bibtex thesis
10 years ago
xelatex -file-line-error -output-directory=build thesis.tex
xelatex -file-line-error -output-directory=build thesis.tex
cp build/thesis.pdf ./
fast: dirs
10 years ago
xelatex -file-line-error -output-directory=build thesis.tex
cd build; bibtex thesis
cp build/thesis.pdf ./
haltfast: dirs
xelatex -file-line-error -output-directory=build --halt-on-error thesis.tex
cd build; bibtex thesis
cp build/thesis.pdf ./
mkdir -p build
mkdir -p build/notes
mkdir -p build/diagrams
9 years ago
cp references.bib build/