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Adds a stub form model structure on CDGAs and adds stuff about model cats

Joshua Moerman 10 years ago
  1. 108
  2. 73
  3. 67
  4. 4


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\section{Model structure on $\CDGA_\k$}
In this section we will define a model structure on CDGAs over a field $\k$ \todo{Can $\k$ be a c. ring here?}, where the weak equivalences are quasi isomorphisms and fibrations are surjective maps. The cofibrations are defined to be the maps with a left lifting property with respect to trivial fibrations.
There is a model structure on $\CDGA_\k$ where $f: A \to B$ is
\item a \emph{weak equivalence} if $H(f)$ is an isomorphism,
\item a \emph{fibration} if $f$ is an surjective and
\item a \emph{cofibration} if $f$ has the LLP w.r.t. trivial fibrations
We will prove the different axioms in the following lemmas. First observe that the classes as defined above are indeed closed under multiplication and contain all isomorphisms.
[MC1] The category has all finite limits and colimits.
As discussed earlier \todo{really discuss this somewhere} products are given by direct sums and equalizers are kernels. Furthermore the coproducts are tensor products and coequalizers are quotients.
[MC2] The \emph{2-out-of-3} property for quasi isomorphisms.
Let $f$ and $g$ be two maps such that two out of $f$, $g$ and $fg$ are weak equivalences. This means that two out of $H(f)$, $H(g)$ and $H(f)H(g)$ are isomorphisms. The \emph{2-out-of-3} property holds for isomorphisms, proving the statement.
[MC3] All three classes are closed under retracts
\todo{Make some diagrams and write it out}
Next we will prove the factorization property [MC5]. We will do this by Quillen's small object argument. When proved, we get an easy way to prove the missing lifting property of [MC4]. For the Quillen's small object argument we use classes of generating cofibrations.
Define the following objects and sets of maps:
\item $S(n)$ is the CDGA generated by one element $a$ of degree $n$ such that $da = 0$.
\item $T(n)$ is the CDGA generated by two element $b$ and $c$ of degree $n$ and $n+1$ respectively, such that $db = c$ (and necessarily $dc = 0$).
\item $I = \{ i_n: \k \to T(n) \I n \in \N \}$ is the set of units of $T(n)$.
\item $J = \{ j_n: S(n+1) \to T(n) \I n \in \N \}$ is the set of inclusions $j_n$ defined by $j_n(a) = b$.
The maps $i_n$ are trivial cofibrations and the maps $j_n$ are cofibrations.
Since $H(T(n)) = \k$ we see that indeed $H(i_n)$ is an isomorphism. For the lifting property of $i_n$ and $j_n$ simply use surjectivity of the fibrations. \todo{give a bit more detail}
The class of (trivial) cofibrations is saturated.
\todo{prove this}
As a consequence of the above two lemmas, the class generated by $I$ is contained in the class of trivial cofibrations. Similarly the class generated by $J$ is contained in the class of cofibrations. We also have a similar lemma about (trivial) fibrations.
If $p: X \to Y$ has the RLP w.r.t. $I$ then $p$ is a fibration.
Easy\todo{Define a lift}.
If $p: X \to Y$ has the RLP w.r.t. $J$ then $p$ is a trivial fibration.
As $p$ has the RLP w.r.t. $J$, it also has the RLP w.r.t. $I$. From the previous lemma it follows that $p$ is a fibration. To show that $p$ is a weak equivalence ... \todo{write out}
We can use Quillen's small object argument with these sets. The argument directly proves the following lemma. Together with the above lemmas this translates to the required factorization.
A map $f: A \to X$ can be factorized as $f = pi$ where $i$ is in the class generated by $I$ and $p$ has the RLP w.r.t. $I$.
Quillen's small object argument. \todo{small = finitely generated?}
[MC5a] A map $f: A \to X$ can be factorized as $f = pi$ where $i$ is a trivial cofibration and $p$ a fibration.
The previous factorization can also be described explicitly as seen in \cite{bous}. Let $f: A \to X$ be a map, define $E = A \tensor \bigtensor_{x \in X}T(\deg{x})$. Then $f$ factors as:
$$ A \tot{i} E \tot{p} X, $$
where $i$ is the obvious inclusion $i(a) = a \tensor 1$ and $p$ maps (products of) generators $a \tensor b_x$ with $b_x \in T(\deg{x})$ to $f(a) \cdot x \in X$.
A map $f: A \to X$ can be factorized as $f = pi$ where $i$ is in the class generated by $J$ and $p$ has the RLP w.r.t. $J$.
Quillen's small object argument.
[MC5b] A map $f: A \to X$ can be factorized as $f = pi$ where $i$ is a cofibration and $p$ a trivial fibration.


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\subsection{Graded algebra}
In this section $\k$ will be any commutative ring. We will recap some of the basic definitions of commutative algebra in a graded setting. By \emph{linear}, \emph{module}, \emph{tensor product}, \dots we always mean $\k$-linear, $\k$-module, tensor product over $\k$, \dots.
In this section $\k$ will be any commutative ring. We will recap some of the basic definitions of commutative algebra in a graded setting. By \emph{linear}, \emph{module}, \emph{tensor product}, etc \dots we always mean $\k$-linear, $\k$-module, tensor product over $\k$, etc \dots.
A \emph{graded module} $M$ is a family of modules $\{M_n\}_{n\in\Z}$. An element $x \in M_n$ is called a \emph{homogenous element} and said to be of \emph{degree $\deg{x} = n$}. We will often identify $M = \bigoplus_{n \in \Z} M_n$.
A \emph{graded module} $M$ is a family of modules $\{M_n\}_{n\in\Z}$. An element $x \in M_n$ is called a \emph{homogeneous element} and said to be of \emph{degree $\deg{x} = n$}. We will often identify $M = \bigoplus_{n \in \Z} M_n$.
For an arbitrary module $M$ we can consider the graded module $M[0]$ \emph{concentrated in degree $0$} defined by setting $M[0]_0 = M$ and $M[0]_n = 0$ for $i \neq 0$. If clear from the context we will denote this graded module by $M$. In particular $\k$ is a graded module concentrated in degree $0$.
For an ordinary module $M$ we can consider the graded module $M[0]$ \emph{concentrated in degree $0$} defined by setting $M[0]_0 = M$ and $M[0]_n = 0$ for $i \neq 0$. If clear from the context we will denote this graded module by $M$. In particular $\k$ is a graded module concentrated in degree $0$.
A linear map $f: M \to N$ between graded modules is \emph{graded of degree $p$} if it respects the grading, i.e. $\restr{f}{M_n} : M_n \to N_{n+p}$.
@ -18,10 +18,10 @@ For an arbitrary module $M$ we can consider the graded module $M[0]$ \emph{conce
The graded maps $f: M \to N$ between graded modules can be arranged in a graded module by defining:
$$ \Hom{gr}{M}{N}_n = \{ f: M \to N \I f \text{ is graded of degree } n \}. $$
$$ \Hom_{gr}(M, N)_n = \{ f: M \to N \I f \text{ is graded of degree } n \}. $$
Note that not all linear maps can be decomposed into a sum of graded maps. In other words $\Hom{gr}{M}{N} \subset \Hom{}{M}{N}$ might not be equal.
Note that not all linear maps can be decomposed into a sum of graded maps, so that $\Hom_{gr}(M, N) \subset \Hom(M, N)$ may be proper for some $M$ and $N$.
Recall that the tensor product of modules distributes over direct sums. So if $M = \bigoplus_{n \in \Z} M_n$ and $N = \bigoplus_{n \in \Z} N_n$, then
$$ M \tensor N \iso \bigoplus_{n \in Z} \bigoplus_{m \in Z} M_m \tensor N_n \iso \bigoplus_{n \in Z} \bigoplus_{i + j = n} M_i \tensor N_j. $$
@ -32,14 +32,14 @@ This defines a natural grading on the tensor product.
$$ (M \tensor N)_n = \bigoplus_{i + j = n} M_i \tensor N_j. $$
The graded modules together with graded maps of degree $0$ form the category $\grMod{\k}$ of graded modules. Together with the tensor product and the ground ring, $(\grMod{\k}, \tensor, \k)$ is a monoidal category. This now dictates the definition of a graded algebra.
The graded modules together with graded maps of degree $0$ form the category $\grMod{\k}$ of graded modules. From now on we will simply refer to maps instead of graded maps. Together with the tensor product and the ground ring, $(\grMod{\k}, \tensor, \k)$ is a monoidal category. This now dictates the definition of a graded algebra.
A \emph{graded algebra} consists of a graded module $A$ together with two graded maps of degree $0$:
A \emph{graded algebra} consists of a graded module $A$ together with two maps of degree $0$:
$$ \mu: A \tensor A \to A \quad\text{ and }\quad \eta: k \to A $$
such that $\mu$ is associative and $\eta$ is a unit for $\mu$.
A graded map between two graded algebra will be called \emph{graded algebra map} if the map is compatible with the multiplication and unit.
A map between two graded algebra will be called a \emph{graded algebra map} if the map is compatible with the multiplication and unit. Such a map is necessarily of degree $0$.
Again these objects form a category, denoted as $\grAlg{\k}$.
@ -49,14 +49,63 @@ Again these objects form a category, denoted as $\grAlg{\k}$.
$$ xy = (-1)^{\deg{x}\deg{y}} yx. $$
\todo{Add a remark about the signs somewhere}
\subsection{Differential graded algebra}
Now define differentials... and the categories $\cat{DGA}_\k, \cat{CGDA}_\k$.
Note that a monoidal object of differential graded modules is the same as a graded algebra with a differential.
A \emph{differential graded module} $(M, d)$ is a graded module $M$ together with a map $d: M \to M$ of degree $-1$, called a \emph{differential}, such that $dd = 0$. A map $f: M \to N$ is a \emph{chain map} if it is compatible with the differential, i.e. $d_N f = f d_M$.
A differential graded module $(M, d)$ with $M_i = 0$ for all $i < 0$ is a \emph{chain complex}. A differential graded module $(M, d)$ with $M_i = 0$ for all $i > 0$ is a \emph{cochain complex}. It will be convenient to define $M^i = M_{-i}$ in the latter case, so that $M = \bigoplus_{n \in \N} M^i$ and $d$ is a map of \emph{upper degree} 1.
The tensor product of two differential graded modules is again a differential graded module if we define the differential as follows. \todo{Define this}
Conclude with (co)chain complexes and (co)chain (co)algebras.
Finally we come to the definition of a differential graded algebra. This will be a graded algebra with a differential. Of course we want this to be compatible with the algebra structure, or stated differently: we want $\mu$ and $\eta$ to be chain maps.
A \emph{differential graded algebra (DGA)} is a graded algebra $A$ together with an differential $d$ such that in addition:
$$ d(xy) = d(x) y + (-1)^{\deg{x}} x d(y) \quad\text{ for all } x, y \in A. $$
It is not hard to see that this definition precisely defines the monoidal objects in the category of differential graded modules. The category of DGAs will be denoted by $\DGA_\k$, the category of commutative DGAs (CDGAs) will be denoted by $\CDGA_\k$. If no confusion can arise, the ground ring $\k$ will be suppressed in this notation.
Let $M$ be a DGA, just as before $M$ is called a \emph{chain algebras} if $M_i = 0$ for $i < 0$. Similarly if $M^i = 0$ for all $i < 0$, then $M$ is a \emph{cochain algebra}.
\subsection{Model categories}
A \emph{model category} is a category $\cat{C}$ together with three subcategories:
\item the class of weak equivalences $\W$,
\item the class of fibrations $\Fib$ and
\item the class of cofibrations $\Cof$,
such that the following five axioms hold:
\item[MC1] All finite limits and colimits exist in $\cat{C}$.
\item[MC2] If $f$, $g$ and $fg$ are maps such that two of them are weak equivalences, then so it the third. This is called the \emph{2-out-of-3} property.
\item[MC3] All three classes of maps are closed under retracts\todo{Either draw the diagram or define a retract earlier}.
\item[MC4] In any commuting square as follows where $i \in \Cof$ and $p \in \Fib$, there exist a lift if either
\item[a)] $i \in \W$ or
\item[b)] $p \in \W$.
\todo{insert diagram}
\item[MC5] Any map $f : A \to B$ can be factored as $f = pi$, where either
\item[a)] $i \in \Cof \cap \W$ and $p \in \Fib$ or
\item[b)] $i \in \Cof$ and $p \in \Fib \cap \W$.
\todo{define notation $\cof$ $\fib$}
\todo{define (co)fibrant objects}
\todo{maybe some basic propositions}


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% clickable tocs
% use english
\usepackage[english, british]{babel}
% floating figures
\usetikzlibrary{matrix, arrows, decorations}
\tikzset{node distance=2.5em, row sep=2.2em, column sep=2.7em, auto}
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% for the fib arrow
% mathbb for lowercase
% mathbb for lowercase bbs
% for slanted text/symbols
% Some basic objects
\newcommand{\N}{\mathbb{N}} % natural numbers
\newcommand{\Np}{{\mathbb{N}^{>0}}} % positive numbers
\newcommand{\Z}{\mathbb{Z}} % integers
\newcommand{\R}{\mathbb{R}} % reals
\renewcommand{\k}{\mathbbm{k}} % default ground ring
\newcommand{\Hom}[3]{\mathbf{Hom}_{#1}(#2, #3)}
% Basic category stuff
\newcommand{\cat}[1]{\mathbf{#1}} % the category of ...
% Categories
\newcommand{\Set}{\cat{Set}} % sets
\newcommand{\sSet}{\cat{sSet}} % simplicial sets
\newcommand{\Top}{\cat{Top}} % topological spaces
\newcommand{\DELTA}{\cat{\Delta}} % the simplicial cat
\newcommand{\grMod}[1]{\cat{gr\mbox{-}{#1}Mod}} % graded modules over a ring
\newcommand{\grAlg}[1]{\cat{gr\mbox{-}{#1}Alg}} % graded algebras over a ring
\newcommand{\DGA}{\cat{DGA}} % differential graded algebras
\newcommand{\CDGA}{\cat{CDGA}} % commutative dgas
\newcommand{\cof}{\hookrightarrow} % cofibration
\newcommand{\fib}{\twoheadrightarrow} % fibration
\newcommand{\we}{\tot{\simeq}} % weak equivalence
% Notation and operators
\newcommand{\I}{\,\mid\,} % seperator in set notation
\newcommand{\del}{\partial} % boundary
\newcommand{\iso}{\cong} % isomorphic
\newcommand{\eq}{\sim} % homotopic
\newcommand{\tot}[1]{\xrightarrow{\,\,{#1}\,\,}} % arrow with name
\newcommand{\mapstot}[1]{\xmapsto{\,\,{#1}\,\,}} % mapsto with name
\newcommand{\cof}{\hookrightarrow} % cofibration
\newcommand{\fib}{\twoheadrightarrow} % fibration
\newcommand{\we}{\tot{\simeq}} % weak equivalence
% restriction of a function
\newcommand\restr[2]{{% we make the whole thing an ordinary symbol
\left.\kern-\nulldelimiterspace % automatically resize the bar with \right
#1 % the function
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\right|_{#2} % this is the delimiter
% todos
$\ast$ \marginpar{\tiny $\ast$ #1}
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% headings for a table
\newcommand*{\thead}[1]{\multicolumn{1}{c}{\bfseries #1}}


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\input{Definitions} \newpage
\input{CDGA_Model} \newpage